either you don't get out much or your work environment is the most professional place, but men do talk to women like that even with discrimination laws hovering over their heads. Women have been treated like that since the beginning of time and at least my job will still be treated like that. Sorry to burst your bubble but I don't think that guys getting harassed about their looks is such a big deal. Where I work women get told to lose weight, their too old, they need bigger breasts..etc., men get told the same thing. WAH, WAH, WAH! As far as being told you're too big, veiny or whatever, everybody gets picked on. Imagine someone not getting a job because of their color, sex, age, or especially now sexual lifestyle. At least your can stop training and get smaller, these other people can't change thier race, sexuality..etc. Quit your bitching and be happy that you're in such good shape.