I have to disagree with Tom and Hutch. I don't think video games has anything to do with it. I worked in tv for 6-7 years, I've written several *short films* that were horror based, I also grew up watching horror movies all the time with my dad, yet I've never gone out and hurt/kill anyone in real life. I don't think we can blame video games/movies on real life violence. I blame parents for not teaching their kids the difference between right and wrong and how precious human life is.
IMO, if someone is *pushed over the edge* by a video game or movie, than even if you would have never exposed that person to it, it would have been something else to push them over the edge to turn them into a killer.
What about the 50 yr old man that goes into his job for no reason and blows half the staff away? I doubt it if he was playing *HitMan* on the Playstation every day.
I love movies and I would see this all the time where the news and BS lawyers blame movies for the kid/adult that committed murders and it just bugs me.