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Mar 19, 2003
I have not used a diazide before and so I am unfamiliar with their makeup. I need to know what the 50/25 means as it is smithkline but is in spanish so I can't read the damn box.

Thanks for any answers to my dumbassed question.

Dyazide is a combination of triamterene and hydrochlorothiazide. The 50/25 references 50mg of triamterene, 25mg of hydrochlorothiazede.
Triamterene with hydrochlorothiazide both work to remove excess water and sodium (salt) from the body through the urine. HCTZ also causes potassium to be removed from the body and triamterene causes the body to hold on to potassium. The combination of these two products should keep potassium in balance.

SmithKline Beecham
Triamterene - Hydrochlorothiazide
Diuretic - Antihypertensive
Each round, flat, bevel-edged, peach-colored, scored, compressed tablet, debossed SKF, contains: triamterene 50 mg and hydrochlorothiazide 25 mg.

You can put 'dyazide' into yahoo search and get back alot of information.
See, that is my confusion. I figured it was probably 50 tabs at 25 mg. but the fact that it is a diazide means that there are 2 compounds in there so I thought it might be the strength of the 2 compounds. ?? I figure the second compound would mimic aldactone but this is an assumption on my part.

Anyone else clear this up?

Ok, basically the Triamterene does mimic Aldactone however it accomplishes the end result through a different mechanism (see below). Both are potassium sparing. Hope this clears some of it up.

Hydrochlorothiazide (25):
The hydrochlorothiazide component blocks reabsorption of sodium and thereby increases the quantity of sodium traversing the distal tubule and the volume of water excreted. A portion of the additional sodium presented to the distal tubule is exchanged there for potassium and hydrogen ions. With continued use of hydrochlorothiazide and depletion of sodium, compensatory mechanisms tend to increase this exchange and may produce excessive loss of potassium, hydrogen and chloride ions.

Triamterene (50):
The triamterene component of Dyazide exerts its diuretic effect on the distal renal tubule to inhibit the reabsorption of sodium in exchange for potassium and hydrogen ions. This natriuretic activity is limited by the amount of sodium reaching its site of action. Although triamterene blocks the increase in this exchange, which is stimulated by mineralocorticoids (chiefly aldosterone), its action takes place through a direct effect on the renal tubule and not by competitive antagonism of aldosterone activity. This action of triamterene is not directly related to the level of aldosterone secretion, , since it can be demonstrated in adrenalectomized rats and in patients with Addison's disease.
By inhibiting the distal tubular exchange mechanism, triamterene maintains or increases the sodium excretion and reduces the loss of potassium, hydrogen, and chloride ions induced by hydrochlorothiazide.

Aldactone :
Medically this class of drug is used to treat high blood pressure, efficiently lowering the retention of water and salt. Aldactone acts by reducing the amount of aldosterone secreted by the adrenal gland, which is the hormone primarily responsible for water regulation in the body. This effect is beneficial to competitive bodybuilders, who need to shed subcutaneous water before a showing. Specifically this compound is a potassium-sparing diuretic, much weaker in effect than both Dyazide and Lasix. As can be surmised, potassium levels are not greatly reduced with Aldactone. This is much unlike many stronger diuretics that can increase the rate of potassium excretion considerably. It is therefore very important that the user does not take any additional potassium supplement while using this compound. Too high an increase in potassium levels can prove to be life-threatening.
Yep, guess I was wrong.LOL Not the first time but, I ain't best w/ diuretic's either.

Ry: lol Your intentions were good. That counts for something. ;)

kid: EXCELLENT info. I appreciate you taking the time to find it and post it for me as I was having a hell of a time finding much of anything.

My thoughts are this:

I usually run aldactone at 50mg. twice a day starting on tuesdays before shows.

tues - 50mg aldactone 2x's a day
wed - 50mg aldactone 2x's a day
thur - 50mg aldactone 2x's a day
fri - 50mg aldactone 2x's a day
diazide approximately 5pm @ 1 tab (50/25)
sat am - 50mg aldactone and diazide @ 1 tab (50/25) approximately 3 hours before hitting the stage for prejudging.

sat late afternoon - 50mg aldactone and diazide if needed @ 1 tab (50/25) approximately 3 hours before hitting stage for evening show.

Now, of course I will still play this instinctively. If I am on, I may hold back on the diuretic dosage and/or adjust it as needed. I am simply putting a preliminary plan to paper.

Any feedback would be appreciated as I would rather error on the side of caution here so that I don't flatten out. At the same time, 100mg aldactone has had a decent affect in past shows but I believe strongly that I could have dropped more water than I did.

Skip looks like a good plan, you may not need that much diazide especially with the aldactone. What I've done last year was 1 diazide friday night then only 1/2 on Saturday morning. Even that may have been overkill as I feel I flattened out too much. But as you said, just work instictively. The diazide will have an effect within about 2 hrs so it does work fairly quickly.
When is your show?
I am hitting one this saturday the 7th and another on the 21st. I am trying the 1st one without using the diazide this time to see how well i can drop water with just good timing and some green tea. Mainly because the show on the 21st is more important so I don't want to mess up my body now and have to deal with rebound.
how about both dyazide and aldactone together. kid what show you doing on the 21st?
Good luck and let me know how everything goes. I appreciate your input and your time.

My shows are June 28th and July 12th. The first I have a good opportunity. The second I will get my ass whipped. lol

However, I would rather be beaten by a bunch of badasses than to win against a bunch of nobodies.

Skip said:
My shows are June 28th and July 12th. The first I have a good opportunity. The second I will get my ass whipped. lol
However, I would rather be beaten by a bunch of badasses than to win against a bunch of nobodies.


LOL, I like your attitude Skip! Good luck to you too!

Balplayer, the Ironman Classic in Syracuse.
if you were only using diazide, what kind of dosages would your run and when would you take them?
very informative

answered very nicely if I may say so :)
That's what forums like this needs....

ezekiel2320 said:
if you were only using diazide, what kind of dosages would your run and when would you take them?
I'm far from being a diurectics expert. I'm of the opinion that you still only want to use Diazyde from Friday, no sooner.

ezekiel2320 said:
if you were only using diazide, what kind of dosages would your run and when would you take them?

Keeping in mind that most people respond differently, here is what I did last year:
Friday night at 9pm, too 1 tab (which consists of triamterene 50 mg and hydrochlorothiazide 25 mg). Upon waking up Saturday at 7am, checked my condition and took anothe 1/2 tab. Now I feel maybe I was to flat, I also dropped my water at 10am Friday, maybe too eary.
Now my plan this year is Friday night at 9pm 1/2 tab. Saturday morning check my condition and if I feel it's necessary another 1/2 tab. Then same prior to the night show.
This stuff starts to work in approx. 2 hours, so take it early enough before pre-judge if needed. You should probably not need more than 2 tabs total to get the desired effect.
Good info, Kidrok. Glad you mentioned that it pretty much peaks within 2 hours. Gotta keep that one in mind.

Good discussion fellas. Diruetics is a topic that deserves more posts. Many a competitor has fallen victim to poor choices with diuretic and water intake. That's a science all in itself. Where's Chad Nicholls when you need him? ;)

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