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do you guys taper up ?


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Kilo Klub Member
Nov 19, 2009
say your going to do 500mg of enth for 8 weeks.............would you do 250 for the first 2 weeks and then go to 500 , or start at 500?

it takes a while to build up i know, most gains are seen weeks 5-8, ive just never done it this way, tapering up
why? the enanthate ester will taper up for you with regular doses.
thats what i was thinking, planned on 200 every 3 days so, some weeks would be 400 and every third would be 600................i was just reading a post and i thought id get others thoughts, id never heard of this with a long ester
well imo you'd be much better off starting with the dose you want to continue at and getting to stable levels asap.

most sides are attenuated when test levels stabilize (im thinking mainly DHT sides likes hair loss and acne).

This is just my experience, but the less fluctuation the better. That is why I shoot enanthate every day (also there is less aromatase activity doing my way).
no kidding, see, ive never heard of enth every day.............i was doing twice a week 250mg last run , didnt have any gyno probs but a little bloat and back acne...............im 44 so who knows if hair loss is from it but ,lol

so i was gonna try every 3 days as ive been reading on how it keeps levels more stable and that leads to less sides..................so tell me more on this every day with enth..........say you wanted 500mg or so a week, youd do 80mg every day? wouldnt this lead to a more rapid increase in total test levels? doesnt the drop off in between have any benefit?
i wouldn't taper up.
but i would up dose at plateuas if the gola is to continually grow.
well, this is my second run, and since ive added in 4ius of gh, im gonna stay at 500................more than enuff imo
i wouldn't taper up.
but i would up dose at plateuas if the gola is to continually grow.

this is what I do now! But I stay LOW. Lower so that most on here might smile when I tell them what I need to grow. But works for me. I keep running into plateaus and I increase test per week 20-30mg and my weight pushes up. Im at 280mg per week now. Soon I will drop down to 150mg/week (HRT).
was it you i saw that does his test sub q? i didnt even know this was an option
I pin intramuscularly with a fine gauge needle (29-30). I pretty much dont use glutes is only bodypart I need a long needle to reach given that my bodyfat is not that much. Quads, biceps, triceps, calves, delts, and lats are all fine with a small needle.

edit - but yes you can use SUBQ but personally I feel the risk for sterile abcesses (or worse!) is too great.
i was reading aromatisation is increased when done sub q as well

do you feel the everyday may increase scar tissue?
not with the fine gauge needle. No marks whatsoever and I've done a lot of shots. I cant even see where I shot as soon as I pull the needle out.

I think there may be some merit to your last point (about aromatase activity increasing with subq admin) since the enzyme is found predominantly in bodyfat.

btw, this is one reason that doesnt get mentioned often why people with higher bodyfats should not run the half gram cycles that get suggested so often...

in fact I dont know if many people should be running as much as a half gram of testosterone...
yeah, i know what your saying, when i was carrying more fat and didnt know any better, i thought the cycle would help me get rid of some of it, and found, that with more fat, bloat is def worse..............

did you always do everyday? or is this something you learned over time tho you started the usual twice a week...............

im thinking 60 a day to be honest, 420 or so for the week, i use a 1.5" 25g tho, why i asked about scar tissue, id bet pushing thru a 30g is tuff eh?
its not tough...you push much slower but you are pushing much less volume...it takes me about 60 seconds to pin...

I tried prop EOD and switched to ED and noticed decrease in side effects (DHT based mainly less fluctuation in DHT). And I pinned enanthate 2x/week for awhile but switched to EOD after noticing crazy ups and downs in libido....then I switched to ED and never looked back (much more stable libido and mood/less side effects).

YMMV...a lot of this is individual based.

stay safe...
yep, im gonna give it a shot , no pun intended, informative thread for me, thanx psyt
its not tough...you push much slower but you are pushing much less volume...it takes me about 60 seconds to pin...

I tried prop EOD and switched to ED and noticed decrease in side effects (DHT based mainly less fluctuation in DHT). And I pinned enanthate 2x/week for awhile but switched to EOD after noticing crazy ups and downs in libido....then I switched to ED and never looked back (much more stable libido and mood/less side effects).

YMMV...a lot of this is individual based.

stay safe...

How much do you pin at a time and how long do you wait between each site before pinning the same spot again?
i only pin a very small amount. Right now I am doing total 280mg per week. So barely over a ml every week...about 15 units at a time (along with 10 units of DECA 300)...25 units total.

Its a long time in between each injection site since I rotate so many muscles. I never feel like I am shooting into a depot if thats what you mean.
whats your stats? you grow decent on 280?
5'6" around 166 pretty lean :)

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