I've been drinking booze every weekend pretty much since around May of last year. I never drink alone, but once the weekend hits, i have partying with friends on my mind. I thought that when i met a great girl i would stop for a few months, but it seems like it's still on my mind. Last Friday a chic and I, I have been seeing went to church and she's all for the dinner and movie thing, which i like, but I was stilling kind of craving wanting to go out to the bars and get smashed. Would you say this is what most 20 something yr olds go through? Or, is this a start of a drinking problem?
I was a heavy drinker as was my wife. When we first met, I was heavy into working out and got her into it. But with the type of job that we have, and the type of high rolling clients. We were always in downtown going to parties. I gave up working out. And was drinking daily. I would even have my favorite bars one a block from my house where I would actually meet clients. We would get our shit done, but we were drinking according to the owner. $1200.00/wk!! on top of that smoking, etc.
We quit cold turkey a little over two years ago. Then we decided to have a baby, we did, I started lifting again, stopped smoking (cigarettes, weed, etc.) for 3 years this October.
I never plan on going back to that, my clients respect me and my new shape, I'm a lot more productive now and I'm never broke.
Trust me, it starts with a little, then it gets easy to keep drinking. Day after day. We would switch our favorite drinks, and always had a ton of booze and reserves in the house, usually wake up two three times per night have a drink or two, then go back to bed.
But without exaggeration, we went through 1 gallon of either Ketel one or Grey goose per day. I liked Vodka Cranberry or grapefruit juice, she liked Vodka soda. Then after an eye opener, we would go to work and have a drink at one of the bars before meeting clients, then sometimes during and always after to celebrate a job well done.
(now keep in mind that the booze we had at home and work was in addition to what we drank at our local bar)
It stopped when we hit rock bottom, my wife fell down the stairs and tore her knee tendon, I felt so dry from my throat, I was coughing up blood. We prayed to get through this. Since we stopped, our lives are so much better and we almost never fight.
Also I want to add that I never really drank in college, I started drinking in my late 20's. So don't necessarily think that just because you find a steady girl that you will stop, it may just be someone fun to drink with.
My best advice after all this rambling is to just be careful and focus on working out and doing things like that with her.