Use this link within the client removing the spaces between http:
h t t p :// (remove the spaces in the http)
You know you could have just emailed me on this right Lynx baby?
Use this link within the client removing the spaces between http:
h t t p :// (remove the spaces in the http)
You know you could have just emailed me on this right Lynx baby?
If you go for all of them, you take a chance of latching onto a spy server. You are better off going with known good ones, which are usually listed in the best .met file.
Theres also an IPFilter.dat file you can get on the network or just by googling it. You will need to extract it and copy the file to your eMule\config directory. The latest version is v128 I believe. This DAT file contains all known LE and anti-piracy organization IP addresses. It will make it so your computer will never connect to one of those addresses. Just drop it in the directory and restart eMule/eDonkey.
BTW, as the previous posts, you wouldn't want all of the servers anyway. Only the best ones. No use in connecting to an unused/unpopulated emule server.