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Active member
Jan 21, 2009
Just wanted to pass this on. we purchased some EGF (epidermal growth factor) and as research suggested we added 50 mcg in 120 mL (4oz) cream. I understand this takes 4-6 months to see real results on wrinkles but my wife got an unfortunate chance to see how it does with burns. She had accidentally burned her fore arm pretty badly. She put the EGF cream on the burn and it healed in 1.5 weeks. Not only did it heal, there is absolutely NO scar. This was a serious 2nd degree burn with blisters almost like a brand. All you can see now is new skin, a few days in the sun and she will never know where the burn was.

This stuff seems to work very well for regenerating cell regeneration. Here is description of EGF. Hopefully we will see the same effect on wrinkles. No doubt it will help with stretch marks.

In 1986, Stanley Cohen received the Nobel Prize for his work elucidating the role of the Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF) in the regulation of cell growth and development. EGF is a growth factor that plays an important role in the regulation of cell growth, cell proliferation and differentiation. As with all growth factors, it is a small protein. EGF acts by binding to specific receptors on the cell surface, starting a cascade of very organized molecular events, including increased intracellular calcium concentration, energy production and protein synthesis.
Do you do anything to help it penetrate the skin? I thought it was too big to pass through?
that is very interesting stuff...

what would the side effects be with EGF ?

Do you do anything to help it penetrate the skin? I thought it was too big to pass through?

EGF acts by binding with high affinity to epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) on the cell surface and stimulating the intrinsic protein-tyrosine kinase activity of the receptor. The tyrosine kinase activity, in turn, initiates a signal transduction cascade that results in a variety of biochemical changes within the cell - a rise in intracellular calcium levels, increased glycolysis and protein synthesis, and increases in the expression of certain genes including the gene for EGFR - that ultimately lead to DNA synthesis and cell proliferation.

Fallon JH, Seroogy KB, Loughlin SE, Morrison RS, Bradshaw RA, Knaver DJ, Cunningham DD (June 1984). "Epidermal growth factor immunoreactive material in the central nervous system: location and development". Science 224 (4653): 1107–9.​



Experimental studies in animals have demonstrated that the topical application of epidermal growth factor accelerates the rate of epidermal regeneration of partial-thickness wounds and second-degree burns. We conducted a prospective, randomized, double-blind clinical trial using skin-graft-donor sites to determine whether epidermal growth factor would accelerate the rate of epidermal regeneration in humans. Paired donor sites were created in 12 patients who required skin grafting for either burns or reconstructive surgery. One donor site from each patient was treated topically with silver sulfadiazine cream, and one was treated with silver sulfadiazine cream containing epidermal growth factor (10 micrograms per milliliter). The donor sites were photographed daily, and healing was measured with the use of planimetric analysis. The donor sites treated with silver sulfadiazine containing epidermal growth factor had an accelerated rate of epidermal regeneration in all 12 patients as compared with that in the paired donor sites treated with silver sulfadiazine alone. Treatment with epidermal growth factor significantly decreased the average length of time to 25 percent and 50 percent healing by approximately one day and that to 75 percent and 100 percent healing by approximately 1.5 days (P less than 0.02). Histologic evaluation of punch-biopsy specimens taken from the centers of donor sites three days after the onset of healing supported these results. We conclude that epidermal growth factor accelerates the rate of healing of partial-thickness skin wounds. Further studies are required to determine the clinical importance of this finding.

GL Brown, LB Nanney, J Griffen, AB Cramer, JM Yancey, LJ Curtsinger, L Holtzin, GS Schultz, MJ Jurkiewicz, and JB Lynch. Enhancement of wound healing by topical treatment with epidermal growth factor. NEJM. 321:76-79

Here is another interesting study

CONCLUSIONS: The application of a mixture of topical growth factors may stimulate the repair of facial photodamage resulting in new collagen formation, epidermal thickening and the clinical appearance of smoother skin with less visible wrinkling.

Richard E. Fitzpatrick; Elizabeth F. Rostan. Reversal of photodamage with topical growth factors: a pilot study. Journal of Cosmetic and Laser Therapy. 476-4180, (5), Issue 1:25 – 34.​

And another

A total of 78.6% of patients with photodamaged skin showed clinical improvement at 60 days. New collagen formation increased by 37%, and epidermal thickening increased by 27%.

Fitzpatrick Richard E., MD. Endogenous Growth Factors as Cosmeceuticals. Dermatologic Surgery.(31) Issue s1:827 - 831.​
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Just wanted to pass this on. we purchased some EGF (epidermal growth factor) and as research suggested we added 50 mcg in 120 mL (4oz) cream. I understand this takes 4-6 months to see real results on wrinkles but my wife got an unfortunate chance to see how it does with burns. She had accidentally burned her fore arm pretty badly. She put the EGF cream on the burn and it healed in 1.5 weeks. Not only did it heal, there is absolutely NO scar. This was a serious 2nd degree burn with blisters almost like a brand. All you can see now is new skin, a few days in the sun and she will never know where the burn was.

This stuff seems to work very well for regenerating cell regeneration. Here is description of EGF. Hopefully we will see the same effect on wrinkles. No doubt it will help with stretch marks.

In 1986, Stanley Cohen received the Nobel Prize for his work elucidating the role of the Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF) in the regulation of cell growth and development. EGF is a growth factor that plays an important role in the regulation of cell growth, cell proliferation and differentiation. As with all growth factors, it is a small protein. EGF acts by binding to specific receptors on the cell surface, starting a cascade of very organized molecular events, including increased intracellular calcium concentration, energy production and protein synthesis.

i'm glad it helped your wife bro
Thanks for posting. Did you add anything else with the EGF ?
Thanks for posting. Did you add anything else with the EGF ?

Yea, the EGF came with a saline solution to mix with it. So we mixed the two bottles and them put it in 4 oz of skin cream.
Yea, the EGF came with a saline solution to mix with it. So we mixed the two bottles and them put it in 4 oz of skin cream.

What kind of skin cream did you use? (I'd like to maybe do the same, since it worked for your wife!)

I have a pretty bad scar on my forearm (wrist area) that I'm trying to heal up quite desperately.

I'm trying strivectin on it, and thats not working very well.

Maybe I can mix the EGF with some aloe gel and put that on the skin
What kind of skin cream did you use? (I'd like to maybe do the same, since it worked for your wife!)

I have a pretty bad scar on my forearm (wrist area) that I'm trying to heal up quite desperately.

I'm trying strivectin on it, and thats not working very well.

Maybe I can mix the EGF with some aloe gel and put that on the skin

The directions that came with the product said any kind of skin cream or body lotion will do. It did say to use something without a lot of acids. From what we found, most do not have acids in them anyway.
Tex do you use it on the face too?I guess anything with retin A or vit-c is out?
Tex do you use it on the face too?I guess anything with retin A or vit-c is out?

Yes, I am already starting to see some of the fine lines around the eyes disappear. I would not mix it with retin-a or vitamin-c. But you can alway use both later on.

Another experiment we tried. I took my wife out to eat and together we manged to drop two plates. My wife tried to catch one of the plates without knowing it had broken in pieces and cut one of her fingers pretty badly. This was last Tuesday. I told her to put some of the cream on her finger after it stopped bleeding and see what it would do. Five days later the cut is completely healed. I am pretty amazed at how well this stuff works.
Yes, I am already starting to see some of the fine lines around the eyes disappear. I would not mix it with retin-a or vitamin-c. But you can alway use both later on.

Another experiment we tried. I took my wife out to eat and together we manged to drop two plates. My wife tried to catch one of the plates without knowing it had broken in pieces and cut one of her fingers pretty badly. This was last Tuesday. I told her to put some of the cream on her finger after it stopped bleeding and see what it would do. Five days later the cut is completely healed. I am pretty amazed at how well this stuff works.

Any affiliation with the company that sells it? I can only find one online and they are in Singapore
This is some very interesting stuff. I recently noticed it was available from a research company, but did not know what it's actual use was for. Interested to see some feedback on how it works for facial lines/wrinkles. Thanks for that info, BigTex.
daughter and I have been using for over a month now on our scars, nothing remarkable so far.
but I see fine lines on my face fading a bit though.

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