
.....i forgot about all the sensitve egos here
i guess i was trying a less sugar coated way of saying the pics suck
and i never told him NOT to post pics, i said post BETTER pics
how bout i try this.....
hi MU.....i HAVE been on stage and from the pics you are posting its real hard to grasp what kind of shape you have......soooooo i would suggest having someone other than yourself take some GOOD, full body pics....that way WE ALL can give you some GOOD feedback that your desperately searching for
but...........i can, however so slightly notice a good bit a leaness there, so you could be on the right track
so, that being said.....take into consideration if your looking for "FEEDBACK" dont post self takin pics from a "digital camera thats on the fritz" because this is WHY no one has posted any feed back in 3 days
also.......welcome aboard sir