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Few leg pics.


New member
Sep 30, 2009
This is me at 5'9 212-215lbs about 7-8%...Looking to get to a lean 220-225lbs this winter and cut back down possibly for my first show next year{We will see}...Not really Flexed here...Looking to add a inch, or two this year...Sorry for the bad quality.


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A few of the upperbody...None of these pics are of good quality{cellphone} but gives you a general idea...Not as lean as I was, These are about 215lbs and at one point I was around 201-203lbs...I decided I need to work on my weak spots so competing was not an option this year, soooo back to eating I went...LOL

I really need to add some delt and arm size.


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these pics look like my 3 y.o. took them

please get someone to take your pics if you plan on posting pics


Welcome to the board MU. :action-sm
Pretty lean from what I can see, looking forward to more pictures.
these pics look like my 3 y.o. took them

please get someone to take your pics if you plan on posting pics



Damn that was a bit uncalled for wasnt it?
Guy cant post pictures from his phone? because you did like the quality.
How about a welcome....or From what I can tell from the poor quality pics you look pretty darn good! No reason to be a prick or tell the guy not to post pics.
Thanks rAJJIN...Not trying to stir the pot here just wanted some feedback from some people who have been on stage...I know they are not the best pics but as of right now my phone is all I have. My digital camera is on the fritz.
Damn that was a bit uncalled for wasnt it?
Guy cant post pictures from his phone? because you did like the quality.
How about a welcome....or From what I can tell from the poor quality pics you look pretty darn good! No reason to be a prick or tell the guy not to post pics.
Damn that was a bit uncalled for wasnt it?
Guy cant post pictures from his phone? because you did like the quality.
How about a welcome....or From what I can tell from the poor quality pics you look pretty darn good! No reason to be a prick or tell the guy not to post pics.

sorry:eek:.....i forgot about all the sensitve egos here

i guess i was trying a less sugar coated way of saying the pics suck

and i never told him NOT to post pics, i said post BETTER pics:cool:

how bout i try this.....

hi MU.....i HAVE been on stage and from the pics you are posting its real hard to grasp what kind of shape you have......soooooo i would suggest having someone other than yourself take some GOOD, full body pics....that way WE ALL can give you some GOOD feedback that your desperately searching for

but...........i can, however so slightly notice a good bit a leaness there, so you could be on the right track

so, that being said.....take into consideration if your looking for "FEEDBACK" dont post self takin pics from a "digital camera thats on the fritz" because this is WHY no one has posted any feed back in 3 days

also.......welcome aboard sir:)
sorry:eek:.....i forgot about all the sensitve egos here

i guess i was trying a less sugar coated way of saying the pics suck

and i never told him NOT to post pics, i said post BETTER pics:cool:

how bout i try this.....

hi MU.....i HAVE been on stage and from the pics you are posting its real hard to grasp what kind of shape you have......soooooo i would suggest having someone other than yourself take some GOOD, full body pics....that way WE ALL can give you some GOOD feedback that your desperately searching for

but...........i can, however so slightly notice a good bit a leaness there, so you could be on the right track

so, that being said.....take into consideration if your looking for "FEEDBACK" dont post self takin pics from a "digital camera thats on the fritz" because this is WHY no one has posted any feed back in 3 days

also.......welcome aboard sir:)

Much better ;)
I dont think anyone here has a sensative ego :confused:
I Just thought you were being a dick :eek:
No sensitive ego here... In my original thread I said sorry about the quality of the pics... I don't "desperately" need feedback...I just figured their was a lot of people here I could learn from so I thought "what the heck"...The pics were obviously taken from a Camera phone as my Digital Camera Died and I have yet to buy a new one...Anyways... For those who have PM'd me thanks for the guidance...I'm always looking to learn about competing as again I never have...Lots of stunning physiques around here for sure.
sorry:eek:.....i forgot about all the sensitve egos here

i guess i was trying a less sugar coated way of saying the pics suck

and i never told him NOT to post pics, i said post BETTER pics:cool:

how bout i try this.....

hi MU.....i HAVE been on stage and from the pics you are posting its real hard to grasp what kind of shape you have......soooooo i would suggest having someone other than yourself take some GOOD, full body pics....that way WE ALL can give you some GOOD feedback that your desperately searching for

but...........i can, however so slightly notice a good bit a leaness there, so you could be on the right track

so, that being said.....take into consideration if your looking for "FEEDBACK" dont post self takin pics from a "digital camera thats on the fritz" because this is WHY no one has posted any feed back in 3 days

also.......welcome aboard sir:)
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No sensitive ego here... In my original thread I said sorry about the quality of the pics... I don't "desperately" need feedback...I just figured their was a lot of people here I could learn from so I thought "what the heck"...The pics were obviously taken from a Camera phone as my Digital Camera Died and I have yet to buy a new one...Anyways... For those who have PM'd me thanks for the guidance...I'm always looking to learn about competing as again I never have...Lots of stunning physiques around here for sure.

ok sir:)

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