Wow that a beautiful female bber. Seriously , I couldnt agree with you more about going back to the days of Cory , Rachel , and Anja . I think she is stunning and I work in the world of beautiful women so that is saying somehting. Keep us posted on her progress as she gets closer to the USA'a .{ it is rare to see a female bber that that doesnt dissapoint me anymore.....please keep her with this look.......I know it is each women's own personal decision on how far she goes with her look and I respect that ......but I know many women that have destroyed their selves in this sport .....and the mental abuse that they suffer along the way is horrible .....I have personally known several girls that killed themselves for what hormonos had done to them in the long run [ clit size , deeper voice , bad hair , excess body hair , ect....] and these were all beauties at one time......So please be careful and make sure your lady doesn't lose herself in the journey. It is hard to be different . Female bbers have a tough road , far worse than what any man can precieve .[ look at societies ideals of what a women should be ? tough stuff ,Hard enough to be a regular women these days . imagine what is like to be a female bber?] So love your chick , make her feel cherished , and make sure she still feels /looks like the beautiful women she is today along the way......Good luck you two ......nice work made me excited about female bbing again ......
Oh yeah , funny , I have always been told I train harder than just about anybody. [ called crazy in the past many] Only doggcrap was known to out train me .....but seriously ,I have only got my ass handed to me a few times in the gym. All but a couple of times have been by females. Their capicity for work is totally amazing . [ I have been told that women have a higher pain threshold , more endurence , and strength compared to their smaller frames. I understand this to be from abiltity to bare children , But whatever it is ......they kick]