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FOLLISTATIN 344 LOG.. 21 Days and 3MG..


Featured Member / Kilo Klub
Featured Member
Mar 28, 2013
Ok so I just got 3mg of folli 344 in and im dying to try it.. I got it from ProGen peptides after I told him there was alot of taboo surrounding it and a lack of logs lately..

I will take 1mg at once tomorrow..Monday the 28th.. then proceed to take 100mcg bilaterally every day for 20 days after.. some people say take it at once some say stretch it out.. i say fuck it and im gonna do both..

Currently taking:
200mg watson cyp.. trt
8mg cjc dac a week
100mcg cjc/ghrp6 blend a few times a day.
250mcg tesamorelin prebed..
1mg prami prebed just for that extra gh..

I have been floating around 224-225 for a while now.. been leaning up since getting on the dac a few weeks back..

I have been eating pretty clean with a cheat here and there.. approx 2500 cals give or take..

Starting in the morning Im eating everything in sight.. for 21 days straight.. ice cream cake peanut butter pop tarts you friggin name it! they say you gotta have the cals if youre gonna grow on folli so here i go! sorry but there is no way i can get those cals in eating clean...gonna try to stay around 4500-5000 with 300 grams of protein min..

Also let me say that I am coming into this very VERY skeptical.. i have seen the reports from the labs and the invoices where progen had this folli made.. so im not worried about bunk folli.. i just think its over hyped..

we are about to find out.. :headbang::headbang:

any questions or suggestions letta brother know
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Is that 1mg pramipexole or .1mg.
1mg would really pump out the hgh but how do you sleep?

Is the follistatin with the tag, or tag removed?

8mg is a lot of cjcDAC. I love it!!!! Hardcore!!!

Looking forward to this log! Very cool!

SUGGESTION: before pics please
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Will the folli stay good for the 10 days after you mix it? From my understanding it's recommended to take it all at once because it just does not last once it's mixed.
I have zero experience with folli so I could be way off.
Its 1mg prami.. Straight from the pharmacy.. They make them in 1.5 mg as well and some docs Rx 3-4.5mg a day.. Hell I was thinking 1mg was low?

And I will get the wife to take some pics tomorrow.. I'm not a beast like you are but I'm a work in progress!!
Will the folli stay good for the 10 days after you mix it? From my understanding it's recommended to take it all at once because it just does not last once it's mixed.
I have zero experience with folli so I could be way off.

Man as far as I can tell its all just broscience and no one really knows.. I have not seen definitive proof as to either way.. So figured I would do both..

And jjb1 its tag free
Its 1mg prami.. Straight from the pharmacy.. They make them in 1.5 mg as well and some docs Rx 3-4.5mg a day.. Hell I was thinking 1mg was low?

And I will get the wife to take some pics tomorrow.. I'm not a beast like you are but I'm a work in progress!!

You just motivated to take some prami. Haha today I'm just lying in bed taking every hgh releaser I have to heal: MK677, cjcDAC, huperzine A, clonidine HCL, pramipexole. :D

I can't sleep on pramipexole except at .1mg. I have severe insomnia. I sleep an hour at a time at most with non stop tossing and turning. It started when I was homeless long term and it never got better. The positive side is I have a protein drink every couple hours 24/7 so my metabolism stays very fast.

I've used Myostatin inhibitors like you plan to with 1/10 of the vial for ten days and actually the last day it hit the hardest because I took a little extra. As long as your refrigerator is set cold it should be fine.

Try to get a minimum of 6,000 calories in. I diet on 4,000. Like you said, the more you eat, the more you grow on follistatin.
Damn 6000 calories is work son! Gonna be a lot of almonds and peanut butter!
Man as far as I can tell its all just broscience and no one really knows.. I have not seen definitive proof as to either way.. So figured I would do both..

And jjb1 its tag free

I really look forward to your log! It would be great to hear what it does and the best dosing protocol.
Cool deal cauthen Im a skeptic too, I hope you can prove us both wrong.
You just motivated to take some prami. Haha today I'm just lying in bed taking every hgh releaser I have to heal: MK677, cjcDAC, huperzine A, clonidine HCL, pramipexole. :D

I can't sleep on pramipexole except at .1mg. I have severe insomnia. I sleep an hour at a time at most with non stop tossing and turning. It started when I was homeless long term and it never got better. The positive side is I have a protein drink every couple hours 24/7 so my metabolism stays very fast.

I've used Myostatin inhibitors like you plan to with 1/10 of the vial for ten days and actually the last day it hit the hardest because I took a little extra. As long as your refrigerator is set cold it should be fine.

Try to get a minimum of 6,000 calories in. I diet on 4,000. Like you said, the more you eat, the more you grow on follistatin.

jj I am diet whrite now do you think the folli is not working that wel because I am on a low call diet
jj I am diet whrite now do you think the folli is not working that wel because I am on a low call diet

Nothing works well on a low calorie diet. You need food to make things anabolic. The best you can do while cutting is hope to maintain most of your muscle because you sure aren't going to grow,
Taking first shot tonight.. 1mg.. starting out eating like a BEAST already to get a head start and get my glycogen stores up.. bout to go to an all you can eat sushi place and put down a couple thousand cals..
Gonna weigh each morning..

7/28 AM weight #224.2
Damn 6000 calories is work son! Gonna be a lot of almonds and peanut butter!

Now your talking! I don't see how anyone lives off 2500 cals. I would die:D

Hope that folli gives you some results. Keep us informed.
Nothing works well on a low calorie diet. You need food to make things anabolic. The best you can do while cutting is hope to maintain most of your muscle because you sure aren't going to grow,

I have 9 vials left and hold them for after my diet.thanks jj:headbang:
Awesome cant wait to see how it goes i wanna try out some ace and run a log for everyone was thinking 2mgs a week for a month cant wait to see your results.
Awesome cant wait to see how it goes i wanna try out some ace and run a log for everyone was thinking 2mgs a week for a month cant wait to see your results.

taking first shot in an hour then hitting chest.. gonna murder it.. im curious myself what will happen.. im a SUPER skeptic at this point.. we shall see
Got the wife to take some pics a few mins ago.. will load tomorrow when I get to the office..

I took 1mg total tonight right before a chest workout.. bilaterally 500mcg in each..

Here are my thoughts so far..

1. I got a lil worried when it didnt dissolve like the dac mt2 etc that im used to.. i swirled it gently and in a min or two all was well.

2. No flushed feeling or head rush etc.

3. Went to gym and had one of the best chest workouts in a while.. straight up killed it.. once again could be in my head but it felt like my chest was gonna explode..

4. Came home and made a HELLUVA shake.. 2 scoops PB 2 scoops of ICE CREAM and 50g whey isolate with skim milk.. aka heaven!

5. Smashed 4 tacos with 1 pound of venison right after the shake.. and IM STILL HUNGRY.. i have read about folli making you crazy hungry.. not sure if its in my head but im about to eat a bowl of cereal as we speak..


Pics will be up tom..

I will be following. I think folli would be best used with higher anabolics and in the middle of a blast though. But good luck with everything.

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