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FULL EPISODE "MTV's Made..I wanna Be A Bodybuilder" with Peter Putnam

Can someone save it and then post it here?

Copyright issues are blocking non US ip's from watching it.
I know it scucks but thanks for sharing.:)
So SO wrong LOL ...hillarious...good for him tho:)
This was actually hard to watch. I was literally so uncomfortable on a few parts. One was when he gets on stage. Man, he looked better in the beginning with hair all over. I mean either way he looked bad, but he should always stay hairy until he gets in shape, at least he looks more normal fat that way. When he got on stage and it panned in on his mom and she was holding her hands on her face b/c she was probably so scared people were gonna say stuff, that was uncomfortable to watch. Im really glad nobody made fun of him, but I think it was ridiculous for MTV to put him on stage like that. On MADE mtv usually likes to do really embarrasing stuff to the people but this was really bad. One hilarious part is when Putnam gives him the blue shirt and the kid says "were twinkies" LOL i couldnt stop laughing. Clearly this kid has a hormone disorder. at first you would think he's gay but I think he just has a serious hormone problem. I would bet everything that he has extrmemely low test levels, elevated estrogen, a bit hypothyroid and possibly underdeveloped genital growth. This is mainly genetic but being overweight and soooo non active like him when your younger and going through puberty that shit can happen. Putnam did a good job and you really cant work with someone that quick, but in reality someone should have just given him like 200mg test and put him on a boatload of GH :)
I agree Fourthgen, the ending was very hard to watch. But regardless how horrible the kid looked, he had to have some major balls to step up there looking like that, and to that I give him props.
This was actually hard to watch. I was literally so uncomfortable on a few parts. One was when he gets on stage. Man, he looked better in the beginning with hair all over. I mean either way he looked bad, but he should always stay hairy until he gets in shape, at least he looks more normal fat that way. When he got on stage and it panned in on his mom and she was holding her hands on her face b/c she was probably so scared people were gonna say stuff, that was uncomfortable to watch. Im really glad nobody made fun of him, but I think it was ridiculous for MTV to put him on stage like that. On MADE mtv usually likes to do really embarrasing stuff to the people but this was really bad. One hilarious part is when Putnam gives him the blue shirt and the kid says "were twinkies" LOL i couldnt stop laughing. Clearly this kid has a hormone disorder. at first you would think he's gay but I think he just has a serious hormone problem. I would bet everything that he has extrmemely low test levels, elevated estrogen, a bit hypothyroid and possibly underdeveloped genital growth. This is mainly genetic but being overweight and soooo non active like him when your younger and going through puberty that shit can happen. Putnam did a good job and you really cant work with someone that quick, but in reality someone should have just given him like 200mg test and put him on a boatload of GH :)

I hope lots of people holding negative opinions of bodybuilders see that show. Peter's attitude/personality was great and will hopefully change what people think about BB's in general. As for that kid, I don't even know what to say. He did have major balls for doing the show though.
One funny thing is the kid said he wanted to be a bb'er b/c they are so confident LOL if only he knew.
How incredibly unmotivated that kid was... If any real aspiring bber had the chance to train with someone like Peter they would be a lot more grateful and maybe wouldn't act like a pmsing fat girl.
How incredibly unmotivated that kid was... If any real aspiring bber had the chance to train with someone like Peter they would be a lot more grateful and maybe wouldn't act like a pmsing fat girl.

This is true. As mean as it may sound, I think the kid would be better off if everyone laughed at him while he was on stage. Perhaps it would teach him to make the best of every opportunity. As it stands, I would bet the only long-lasting change for this kid is being less hairy.
that was one of the most uncomfortable things ive ever watched.....complain much???
I definately agree that they should've let Pete train with him for like.......a year maybe before a contest! They should have made some special circumstances for this episode, But in the end the kid looked 1000 times more confident in himself than at the beginning of the show! Which I really think was the reason the kid wanted to do it in the first place. -StOrY

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