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Good Ways to Increase Muscle W/O Increasing Weight


New member
Aug 16, 2012
Hello All,

I have experimented with Ipamorelin for a few months, but would like to take it up a notch.

I have been looking at CJC with DAC to combine with Ipa. I chose this as my experiment will be done on a female and I read that they need the bleed vs pulse.

My goal is to increase tone, but not put on a lot of mass or weight. Is this possible? I would be looking at doing this over maybe 8 months...

Any input welcome. :eek:
I understand what you are trying to say but I HATE that word "tone".
What you want to do is build some lean mass while dropping bodyfat.

Is it possible? Yes, but seems to be harder for women vs men. Diet is going to be they key here along with the right training style.

You are going to want to keep insulin low. Keep cardio to a minimum and train her to muscular failure once a week for each group.
I understand what you are trying to say but I HATE that word "tone".
What you want to do is build some lean mass while dropping bodyfat.

Is it possible? Yes, but seems to be harder for women vs men. Diet is going to be they key here along with the right training style.

You are going to want to keep insulin low. Keep cardio to a minimum and train her to muscular failure once a week for each group.

Can you recommend any supps?
Can you recommend any supps?

Not really. I haven't tried much of anything new. The old oxyelite pro was good if you can still find some of that. Other than that, green tea extract, caffeine, ephedra, yohimbine all work pretty well.
Thank you Tri Terror. I appreciate the feedback.
Ok now I am thinking...

How would one keep insulin levels low? And will this keep my appetite stable? I don't want anything to increase hunger.

Some background:

I currently eat paleo-ish with minimal carbs (no processed foods, potatoes, rice, bread, white flour etc) the only carbs are from vegetables. I also don't eat sugar, but I may use honey or maple syrup when holiday baking.

I do not work out a lot. I don't do cardio, but minimal weights. I have maintained my weight at this point through diet alone. I am willing to change my exercise in order to get a bit more definition/lean muscle (I am trying not to use that word that you hate).

When I tested the Ipa my experiments were for antiaging purposes at first. I noticed that my test subject got better sleep and her breasts, hips, and buttocks became heavier and fuller. She also got pounding headaches and so I backed off the testing. But I figure if something like Ipa can produce a change perhaps I could try something else and make an even more radical change.

I have just been a long time lurker because I find this all so interesting.

Thanks again.
Drop fat and gain muscle

Yes we would all like to be able to do that without hard training at the gym but it is most likely going to take that and a good diet also.

I'll send you photos of my wife and the progress she has made if you like. She started out in ok shape but not fit. She was not really over wieght but had some body fat and very little muscle like most women. They look good with their clothing on but drop the clothing and your not looking at a body builder or even a fittness model.

Sorry but i have gotton very spoiled. So she tells me that she has actually gained some weight so I cannot say it has all been loss of body fat and replaced with muscle.

She does a 30 min cardio work out with me before every workout. Then we lift one muscle group a night. 4 to 5 days a week. Sometimes more but every day catches up with you. We do legs one night, chest one night, back, arms and then shoulders.

She has made the most progress on Anavar and HGH but she has used low doses of testosterone also. She had no sides from the testosterone other than a sex drive that went from high to really really high. The HGH we think started to give her joint pain or something so she just dropped that.

HGH seems to help most loose body fat and gain some muscle but it is more expensive. We are going to try IGF-1 L3 next. It has been difficult to reasurch but I think it can be used with or instead of HGH since it is what HGH turns into. It is also less expensive. It unfortunately requires reconstitution with acetic acid which makes injection a pain or requires each dose to be diluted with maybe .5 ml of additional BA water. We have not tired it yet but I suspect it is not going to be a easy as the 2ius of HGH.

I have used the peptides before and they may be an option also but now you are talking three small sub q injections a day but that might be fine for some.

I hate to say it but diet, cardio, lifting and serious suppliments is probably what is working for most. Some might have great genetics and won't need the suppliments. You will know if your one of those people after you spend a while with everything else right and your still not making progress.

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