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Got a question on fats


Featured Member / Kilo Klub
Featured Member
Kilo Klub Member
Jul 30, 2006
I know that some fats are needed to grow but I was looking at a container of "Muscle Milk" and it contains 11 fat grams 4.5 of which are saturated fats but it states that these saturated fats are in the form of MTC's or
medium chain triglycerides and that those are typicaly used as energy and show little or no propensity for storage as body fat.

I was wondering if this was true or BS , these little cardboard cans are very convienent andthey tast great but that seems like alot of fat.

its an 11 oz serving and they contain
11 total fat grams
4.5 saturated as mentioned above
5mg cholesterol
11 grams carbs
2g dietary fiber
5g of sugar
22g protine

Like I said these things taste great and are veryu easy to keep around with you but if they aren't going to be condusive for a clean diet I don't want to bother.
Gunsmith said:
I know that some fats are needed to grow but I was looking at a container of "Muscle Milk" and it contains 11 fat grams 4.5 of which are saturated fats but it states that these saturated fats are in the form of MTC's or
medium chain triglycerides and that those are typicaly used as energy and show little or no propensity for storage as body fat.

I was wondering if this was true or BS , these little cardboard cans are very convienent andthey tast great but that seems like alot of fat.

its an 11 oz serving and they contain
11 total fat grams
4.5 saturated as mentioned above
5mg cholesterol
11 grams carbs
2g dietary fiber
5g of sugar
22g protine

Like I said these things taste great and are veryu easy to keep around with you but if they aren't going to be condusive for a clean diet I don't want to bother.
These cardboard drinks are easy sure. But what kind of protein does it have, ie isolate concentrate hydrolysate etc? Yes MCT's are more for energy and do not tend to be stored easily. Always remeber this, too much fat in any form will hamper your efforts for a leaner physique. MCT's are great when your down to the biz end of the diet. I would personally mix up my own protien drinks or carry around a shaker with some pro. powder in it and mix with water. Are you dieting for a comp or for summer beach body? If for a comp I would opt for water in my shakes, if for the beach use skim milk. I use flax oil in my drinks when comp dieting. great stuff and very healthy. 1 Tablespoon 2times a day!
Oldfella is right. Mix your own drinks. Buy a tupperware drink container, have your protein mix ready to go, just add water or skim milk. You'll know exactly what's in it, it will be higher quality and you'll probably save money too.
Gunsmith said:
I know that some fats are needed to grow but I was looking at a container of "Muscle Milk" and it contains 11 fat grams 4.5 of which are saturated fats but it states that these saturated fats are in the form of MTC's or
medium chain triglycerides and that those are typicaly used as energy and show little or no propensity for storage as body fat.

I was wondering if this was true or BS , these little cardboard cans are very convienent andthey tast great but that seems like alot of fat.

its an 11 oz serving and they contain
11 total fat grams
4.5 saturated as mentioned above
5mg cholesterol
11 grams carbs
2g dietary fiber
5g of sugar
22g protine

Like I said these things taste great and are veryu easy to keep around with you but if they aren't going to be condusive for a clean diet I don't want to bother.

Hopefully I can help here, Fats are a subject I know a little about, Our bodies metabolise medium chain SaFA the same way it metabolises short-chain SaFA : to produce energy, it does not store them as body fat. However one look at the the mixture above tells me that this IMO would only be a good protein when a slower more balanced protein may be required, ie night time or during the day no good PWO. If your truly desire a clean diet, then this IMo is a NO NO. Here is how I do it when I am trying to be as clean as possible, get he finest form of WHey you can afford, the cleaner the better, if you can stand natural whey ( I can sometimes) that has no added impurities, however there are some really good proteins out there with added dygestive enzymes which make the proteins more redily available, (because it is not how much we eat, it is how much we absorb) add the finest form of EFA at your desired dose, I use UDO's Ultimate oil blend, and add your carbs to suit, I use organic oats, it takes me 5 mins a day to mix up the mixtures in a shaker ( keep them in gym bag or work bag) add fats when water has been added and enjoy. This way you know expactly what is in your shake, your are in control.

Hope this helps, the company is not wrong in what they are saying, If you would like me to go into more detail regarding MCT I will, I have a large amount of info/research.;)
I am not a fan of the muscle milk, its is a very low quality of protein used and the process they use to make them is sub par, I buddy of mine works for phoenix labs and told me this... do they taste good? yes.. but thats about it.. especially if you are looking for something clean or PW muscle milk prob aint the best. as stated befor get a good whey isolate, dc sells some on Trueprotein that is 95% pure and will mix with anything and is flavorless.. I mix mine with 1/2 apple juice and 1/2 water and it tastes great!

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