They all come from diff sources I belive but im using greens now from a private guy who doesnt want info revealed so nobody PM me about it. I do have to say its the only GH i've used so far that has given me sore nipples on only 3iu's per day. I cant say its better than other gh but its def real but I dont know why my nips are sore on it when I went up to 12iu's 3x per week on blues and hyges and even serostim and never had issues.
Its not about the color off the top, what most important is from who you buy it.
Green tops comes now from the makers off Jintropin but as we all know every fool can order seals and put then on a vial, so many will sell their crap with green top on it.
All the green tops I have are good to go. 8 ius each though not 10.
Yah those are hyges though. There are also generic greens that are 10iu's which are pretty much blue tops with a green top.