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Half life of test


New member
Aug 2, 2010
Does anyone know if the half life of testosterone remains the same injected into the quads as it is when injected into the glutes. I need to know for a cycle calculation.

I don't think anyone can really give an accurate analysis from one muscle to the next. You'd need to know the ester to calculate.
I've never heard of the half life being affected by whatever muscle it is being injected into.
I don't think anyone can really give an accurate analysis from one muscle to the next. You'd need to know the ester to calculate.

Well, in Dino Strongs book "Anabolic Gameplan" he says the half life of test when injected into the glutes is half that of injecting into the delts because of it being a much smaller and denser muscle. When planning a cycle and to avoid ups and downs and to keep the steroid levels as even as possible you need to be able to calculate the proper half lives. He doesn't say if the quads are different than the glutes. I would think they're the same both being large muscles, but I don't know for sure.
Well, in Dino Strongs book "Anabolic Gameplan" he says the half life of test when injected into the glutes is half that of injecting into the delts because of it being a much smaller and denser muscle. When planning a cycle and to avoid ups and downs and to keep the steroid levels as even as possible you need to be able to calculate the proper half lives. He doesn't say if the quads are different than the glutes. I would think they're the same both being large muscles, but I don't know for sure.

I think your over thinking, but what do I know? Everyone's composition is completely different. How can anyone state they know the rate at which, "anyone" else's body is going to absorb and release a chemical. I can't imagine there being any accuracy to it. Besides...DO you plan on pinning the same spot over and over and over and over...? How about when that muscle builds scar tissue? Whats the rate of absorbtion and release then?

Im strictly applying common sense and maybe that's not reliable enough to have this conversation, but just my opinion. I just don't think that from one muscle to the next it's SO DIFFERENT that you need to plan around it....

Good luck though.
would a muscle with more fat intramuscularly hold the depot longer if a long ester was used (given that long esters are more lipophilic)?
Well, in Dino Strongs book "Anabolic Gameplan" he says the half life of test when injected into the glutes is half that of injecting into the delts because of it being a much smaller and denser muscle. When planning a cycle and to avoid ups and downs and to keep the steroid levels as even as possible you need to be able to calculate the proper half lives. He doesn't say if the quads are different than the glutes. I would think they're the same both being large muscles, but I don't know for sure.

I actually have read this reference a couple different times from independent sources/studies. This particle reference stated that the glutes diffused the slowest, followed by the quads, delts, bis/calves/tris, etc.

What they never mentioned was the variance in the rate. I'm guessing it's not too significant. Honestly, I think frontloading the cycle to get your test blood level immediately spiked and then resume with standard dosage is the best way avoid having to worry about half-lives and steady-state levels.
I think your over thinking, but what do I know? Everyone's composition is completely different. How can anyone state they know the rate at which, "anyone" else's body is going to absorb and release a chemical. I can't imagine there being any accuracy to it. Besides...DO you plan on pinning the same spot over and over and over and over...? How about when that muscle builds scar tissue? Whats the rate of absorbtion and release then?

Im strictly applying common sense and maybe that's not reliable enough to have this conversation, but just my opinion. I just don't think that from one muscle to the next it's SO DIFFERENT that you need to plan around it....

Good luck though.

I completely agree. Although of course it is important to be well researched and to make sure levels remain as stable as possible. But to me the power of the mind can and will outweigh things such as wondering if it is better to inject in the glute or ham etc etc. What I mean by that is simply if your thinking is so extensive that your the type of person to create ups and downs during a cycle. Those ups an downs may be a result of hormone levels but your over thinking makes them more apparant.

My advice would be to reasearch and learn all you can. But to keep things simple. Rotate sites and follow all usual procedures. But trying to calculate half lives and injecting certain sites at certain times is not gonna make things better. No one truly knows exactly how long your injection is gonna be in your system and the exact release times... far too many variables.

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