Did anyone see the Velentines Day report on 20/20 about diamonds?
They asked people why they cost so much. Well everyone said because they are so rare. That is what I always thought.
Turns out they are NOT rare in nature and are NOT had to get, they are simply rocks which can be polished.
DeBeers owns most of the diamond mines in S. Africa and they actually for years have been hording them to push the price up.
DeBers actually has BILLIONS of dollars in diamonds they have mined in vaults to keep the prices SKY HIGH>that they will NEVER sell.
Rubys and emeralds are actually more rare in nature and yet cost less because no company is hording them.
DeBeers is actually the main reason it is custom to give a diamond for marriage, Bealentines day etc. It never was a custom until they started advertising it not too long ago. 50 or so years ago.
When people where shown a $10,000 diamond ring and a $1 cubin zirconia ring half said the cubic was the real ring.
My GF saw the show and said if I EVER spend alot of money on a diamond ring instead of buy zirconia I was CRAZY> To just tell her it is a diamond and she will be happy.