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Happy Valenites Day


New member
Jun 8, 2002
I wish all of a great valenties day, if your taking out a new girl I hope you score, if you taking out your wife, I hope you get to do her anal.

My point is I just got bitched because my girl tried to say valentiens day is for girls, When Do we get a holiday..

Have a great one
vitor said:
I wish all of a great valenties day, if your taking out a new girl I hope you score, if you taking out your wife, I hope you get to do her anal.

My point is I just got bitched because my girl tried to say valentiens day is for girls, When Do we get a holiday..

Have a great one

OH man I feel for ya.

I woke up my gf reached under the bed got a card, wrote some nice stuff and handed it to me and didn't ask or act all weird cause I didn't have anything :)

Then she thanked me for being her boyfreind. Then of course we had some 'fun'.

I will get a card on my way to the gym and give it to her later. Then another round in the sack and call it a day.

It is GREAT having a low maintanence, laid bakc relationship.
I couldn't handle a high maint, bitchy woman.

BTW she is from South America, I think they appreciate a man alot more. :)
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My plans

I did things a little different this year for my girl. Instead of the usual flower or perfume, I picked up an Adam & Eve catalog and ordered some items from it. ;)
My wife also said V-day is for women. It is! Do you see comercials about what power tool or fuck mag to get your hubby on V-day? Nope its all about getting the women diamonds or something like that...
hehe i got my girl and my daughter some stuff, my lil girl went crazy cuz i got her a "PowerPuff Girls" V-day card, a barbie candy thing and an M&M toy, plus a teddy bear, so right now in her eyes I'm the greatest dad on the planet hehe.


ps. it may be for women, but they also got me a picture frame with both of them on it and says "We love you" so it made my day too, plus seeing how happy they were when i gave the stuff to em. have a great day guys and gals
I totally forgot, fuck! Man and my chick was all pissy this morning! I have to go shopping now! But hey why didn't I make up with someone blowing me???? I don't think its just for woman, I should at least get a blow job when I wake up, I mean come on!!!!!!!!!!!!!
stackdizzy said:
I totally forgot, fuck! Man and my chick was all pissy this morning! I have to go shopping now! But hey why didn't I make up with someone blowing me???? I don't think its just for woman, I should at least get a blow job when I wake up, I mean come on!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That is EXACTLY the crap I was talking about. The girl being all pissy about something like that.

I would never be like that with my girl even if she forgot my birthday.

Thank you God I don't have to deal with shit like that. :)
Crowler said:

Thank you God I don't have to deal with shit like that. :)

Same here. I am blessed. I totally forgot about it and she didn't care.
But then again, last week she got an early Valentine's present - I got her a new Esprit to match mine. It's exactly the same as mine, but yellow. So I think that should count for something :D

Yep, I am truly blessed, I thank God everyday for it.
Im pretty blessed too. I got taken to dinner and some tanning sessions. Got her some small (1/4 kt) diamond earings and a few other odds and ends. Getting the 1kt earings on her b-day!
Of course we had some killer scrump last nite too! hehe
BigA that Esprit should hold you over for the next 10 V-days or so!
Did anyone see the Velentines Day report on 20/20 about diamonds?

They asked people why they cost so much. Well everyone said because they are so rare. That is what I always thought.

Turns out they are NOT rare in nature and are NOT had to get, they are simply rocks which can be polished.

DeBeers owns most of the diamond mines in S. Africa and they actually for years have been hording them to push the price up.

DeBers actually has BILLIONS of dollars in diamonds they have mined in vaults to keep the prices SKY HIGH>that they will NEVER sell.

Rubys and emeralds are actually more rare in nature and yet cost less because no company is hording them.

DeBeers is actually the main reason it is custom to give a diamond for marriage, Bealentines day etc. It never was a custom until they started advertising it not too long ago. 50 or so years ago.

When people where shown a $10,000 diamond ring and a $1 cubin zirconia ring half said the cubic was the real ring.

My GF saw the show and said if I EVER spend alot of money on a diamond ring instead of buy zirconia I was CRAZY> To just tell her it is a diamond and she will be happy. :)
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I have a few contants in the jewlery business, and the prices will scare you. For most jewlery stores the markup is around 300-500%.

For example a 20,000$ diamond ring only cost them around 4-5000$. Everyone who knows someone or has an in can get it for 5000, or up to 10000 but everyone else is scewed.
Diamonds are NOT a man's best friend

Crowler is absolutely right. My family has been collecting gems stones for a hundred years. Diamonds are not nearly as rare and are hoarded in vaults to keep prices up. I made up my mind that my fiance will have something truly rare and got her a Russian Alexandrite flanked by white sapphires.
Vitor: Found this in my email.

Every 14th of February you get the chance to display your fondness for your wife or girlfriend by showering her with gifts, flowers, dinner, shows and any other baubles that women find romantic.

Secret...guys feel left out. That's right...left out. There's no special
holiday for the ladies to show their appreciation for the men in their life. Men as a whole are either too proud or just too embarrassed to admit it. Which is why a new holiday has been created.

March 20th is now officially "Steak & Blowjob Day."

Simple, effective and self-explanatory...this holiday has been created so your ladies can have a day to show their man just how much you love him. No cards, no flowers, no special nights on the town-the name of the holiday explains it all...just a steak and a BJ. That's it. This twin pairing of Valentine's Day and Steak & Blowjob Day will usher in a new age of love as men everywhere will try THAT much harder in February to ensure a more remorable March! It's like a perpetual love machine.

The word is already spreading, but as with any new idea, it needs a little push to start the ball rolling. So spread the word, and help bring love and peace to this crazy world.:D
Re: Vitor: Found this in my email.

Crusader said:

March 20th is now officially "Steak & Blowjob Day."

Wow, I usually call that Friday. :D :cool: :eek: :p

Re: Re: Vitor: Found this in my email.

slide said:

Wow, I usually call that Friday. :D :cool: :eek: :p


I hear ya.

Actually I call it every day. Hey my gf cooks me steak every day and we haven't been going out too long so the BJ is pretty much an every day thing too. :)

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