When is the proper time to use hcg and at what dose?Im runing 30mg dbol,4 weeks,t-400,10 weeks,eq200,10weeks.Thanks.Id like to use it in the mid and end please tell me your opinion and dose recomendation.
I was always told that mid cycle take 5000ius all at once and then when off cycle take 5000iu x4 eo5 hch has as ehco response that last a totall of 5 days so if you inject it any sooner than eo5d you will shut this down and then waste it.
You can use hcg for 15 days 2500 iu eod with 50 mg of clomid ed after the cycle. whait 20 days, get your values, and you are ready to start another cycle. But if you dont going to make another cycle just whait for 45 to 60 days and get your hormone values, maibe it is enough.
and remember......
.......The world is to little for the littles !!!!!!!!!