no that is not a site injection......I had a verey serious problem on may 9th...I had been getting ready for a show and was using my quads way to much as my injection site...then I got some bad gear on the 9th and it gave me a huge infection in both quads....both legs were swelled up I got a fever....damaged both femeoral nerves in both quads from all the complete took out my quad sweep on my left leg (that is why I did not post it) and you can see how there is no sweep in my right.....just like a line running up the side where it is starting to come back a bit in the right but the left is still unable to be is like someone took a knife and carved out a piece of my leg...
Needless to say I was very depressed about it and almost did not do nationals...I lost 1 1/2 on both quads....