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Hernon 2-way split routine

“Think”, yes.

But . . . my niece has been OCD since she was old enough it line up her shoes, put everything in perfect order to her detriment and etc. (Her brother and sister, not.) Very difficult to manage with meditation for her. Really sad. She holds a very important position at the United Nations. Lectures there and all over the world. Don’t know how she does it but do know it is brutal for her. And to make things worse she is pretty much medication resistant 🙁 Much respect for her.
She’s obviously overcome a lot to build an amazing career despite having to work X3 harder than everyone else. That’s more than I can say.
She’s obviously overcome a lot to build an amazing career despite having to work X3 harder than everyone else. That’s more than I can say.
Thank you.

Ment medication not meditation (that would be me).

She is very private about it so I have to go through her mom. She is in NYC and I am trying to encourage ketamine treatments as she is medication resistant. Fingers crossed. I hate to see anybody suffer.
Thank you.

Ment medication not meditation (that would be me).

She is very private about it so I have to go through her mom. She is in NYC and I am trying to encourage ketamine treatments as she is medication resistant. Fingers crossed. I hate to see anybody suffer.
What makes you recommend ket?

I know next to nothing about it except sometimes they would bring in a prisoner who was given it.
What makes you recommend ket?

I know next to nothing about it except sometimes they would bring in a prisoner who was given it.
It has many uses and been around for some time and used for various conditions. Micro dosing they have recently found to be very beneficial for many people with mental health disorders.

Don’t want to get out in the weeds here and stay on topic but . . . like I said it is typically used on patients that are medication resistant; used for depression, anxiety, PTSD, OCD, etc. And used in a clinical setting supervised by a medical doctor.

It is legal but is also used recreationally but we can’t go there on this forum. Let’s respect that please. It’s a fine line here and I am not adverse to shutting down the convo if this goes sideways.

A very good, very scientific explanation. Maybe TMI but here goes. Hope this helps answer your questions.

It has many uses and been around for some time and used for various conditions. Micro dosing they have recently found to be very beneficial for many people with mental health disorders.

Don’t want to get out in the weeds here and stay on topic but . . . like I said it is typically used on patients that are medication resistant; used for depression, anxiety, PTSD, OCD, etc. And used in a clinical setting supervised by a medical doctor.

It is legal but is also used recreationally but we can’t go there on this forum. Let’s respect that please. It’s a fine line here and I am not adverse to shutting down the convo if this goes sideways.

A very good, very scientific explanation. Maybe TMI but here goes. Hope this helps answer your questions.

Thank you for this alfresco. Now getting back to Hernons 2 - day split.
It has many uses and been around for some time and used for various conditions. Micro dosing they have recently found to be very beneficial for many people with mental health disorders.

Don’t want to get out in the weeds here and stay on topic but . . . like I said it is typically used on patients that are medication resistant; used for depression, anxiety, PTSD, OCD, etc. And used in a clinical setting supervised by a medical doctor.

It is legal but is also used recreationally but we can’t go there on this forum. Let’s respect that please. It’s a fine line here and I am not adverse to shutting down the convo if this goes sideways.

A very good, very scientific explanation. Maybe TMI but here goes. Hope this helps answer your questions.

Therapeutic ketamine has come a long way the last 2-3 years. There are many clinics where you can sign up online and get everything sent to your house. Legality varies by state.
He did not mean 1 sec. Honestly it was probably a reaction to people like me who asked him every question under the sun, like why is the sky blue, that he wanted to get the point across to not overthink it.
He did not mean 1 sec. Honestly it was probably a reaction to people like me who asked him every question under the sun, like why is the sky blue, that he wanted to get the point across to not overthink it.
Then what did he mean?
i talked with Phil a lot. RIP
trained under him for years.
i never got the impression he literally meant 1 second. like why even rack the weight like Shelby said?
when i did that 2 day split i remember taking like 6-10 breaths then going again.
btw, i remember telling phil after a few weeks doing that split i didnt feel i was making proper gains and maybe getting weaker.
he said "ok, go back to 3 day split and tell me what happens"
uh i was stronger..... he laughed.
I'm sure Phil had a lot of different routines. When I trained under his guidance (around 2007) he told me to rest "until my breathing returned to normal".
I think that's a pretty good guideline, generally speaking. I still kind of use that as a guideline, most of the time.
I just checked my emails with him
And he said the same
First routine he sent me.....

1. Chest, Back, Standing calvs-Day 1

2. Quads, hamstrings, abs- Day 2

3. Shoulders, Biceps, Triceps, Seated calvs- Day 3

4. Off

3 Sets ONLY per body part. After warm up, do heaviest set first, maybe in the range of 5-9 reps to failure, then drop 10% for another set, then another 10% drop for last set. Rest between sets until breathing returns to normal. Use compound movements only. No cables. Choose between declines and dips only for chest .Side laterals only for shoulders, no pressing movements. Squats for quads only. Choose stiff legged dead lifts, abductors and leg curls for hamstrings, and you can rotate these exercises or do 1 set of each as per how you feel. Rotate standing and seated calvs when it is their turn to train them. Pull ups and rows for your back because it is so big, 3 sets each. DBs for bicep curls, dips or close grip bench for triceps. Do not go all the way up or all the way down on any exercise, stay in the 80% zone. Keep a fast smooth pace, no kinks or stopping to catch breath. Take each set to failure, do not count reps after the first set. Do 7-10 minutes of hard cardio every day except for leg day, after weight training.

Here's the seconds routine he sent me, about 18 months after the first........

Day 1-chest, shoulders( shoulder presses) , triceps, quads, crunches
Day2- Back ( pull ups-rows) biceps, hamstrings, calvs.
Just rotate between days..........
Same exercises......declines or dips for chest/squats for quads.......stiff leg deads for hams.......rotate between seated and standing for calv.......1 set crunches..........HERE is the key......pick a weight you can do 7-10 reps with.........do set, rest 1 second, do next set, rest 1 second, do 3rd set..........train every day until u need a day off.

As stated throughout this thread, he had more than one,, both are confirmed........lol
First routine he sent me.....

1. Chest, Back, Standing calvs-Day 1

2. Quads, hamstrings, abs- Day 2

3. Shoulders, Biceps, Triceps, Seated calvs- Day 3

4. Off

3 Sets ONLY per body part. After warm up, do heaviest set first, maybe in the range of 5-9 reps to failure, then drop 10% for another set, then another 10% drop for last set. Rest between sets until breathing returns to normal. Use compound movements only. No cables. Choose between declines and dips only for chest .Side laterals only for shoulders, no pressing movements. Squats for quads only. Choose stiff legged dead lifts, abductors and leg curls for hamstrings, and you can rotate these exercises or do 1 set of each as per how you feel. Rotate standing and seated calvs when it is their turn to train them. Pull ups and rows for your back because it is so big, 3 sets each. DBs for bicep curls, dips or close grip bench for triceps. Do not go all the way up or all the way down on any exercise, stay in the 80% zone. Keep a fast smooth pace, no kinks or stopping to catch breath. Take each set to failure, do not count reps after the first set. Do 7-10 minutes of hard cardio every day except for leg day, after weight training.

Here's the seconds routine he sent me, about 18 months after the first........

Day 1-chest, shoulders( shoulder presses) , triceps, quads, crunches
Day2- Back ( pull ups-rows) biceps, hamstrings, calvs.
Just rotate between days..........
Same exercises......declines or dips for chest/squats for quads.......stiff leg deads for hams.......rotate between seated and standing for calv.......1 set crunches..........HERE is the key......pick a weight you can do 7-10 reps with.........do set, rest 1 second, do next set, rest 1 second, do 3rd set..........train every day until u need a day off.

As stated throughout this thread, he had more than one,, both are confirmed........lol

Yup...the push/pull two day was the one he sent me on FB after a casual chat. I always liked the concept of an overall "push/pull" but I do feel a decent amount of hams when I do deep squats and leg press so it just always seemed a little weight splitting up hams. 1-2 days off in between works but doing push pull with no days off I'd just have sore hams for hamstring day and then also for leg day, etc.
One note...while he was not agreeing with mentzer principles altogether he actually told me if I had an issue with hamstrings on push/pull he liked the below which was a split mentzer had in one of his books. It really just switches around a bit from the push/pull and puts legs together.


As you can see...you still have a crossover issue with shoulders. I've been doing the above for a while and like it by I do EOD
Bring up limbs 4 way I used to do

Bring up limbs 4 way I used to do

How can you train legs and hit quads again after a one day rest? What does a lower day look like?

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