Hey everyone new to the board just looking for some advice sorry only have one pic for now will get more on here im in my 40s im 230lbs and 5'11" been trying for about 5 months any good advice is greatful
Welcome to the board. for only 5 months, you're looking great. So my advice would be to keep doing whatever you're doing, as it obviously seems to be working. Best of luck.
Thanks lucky Im working hard anyone got advice on dieting I got a diet out of aprils flex magazine but I am looking to put on more mass anyone got a good mass diet to help get leaner and gain more muscle
Hey Swoll great name for you bigman suits you well keep up the good work you need to drop somemore pics on here some more poses front double bicep rear double biceps lat spread most muscular side chest pose etc. and throw some pics of the wheels on whats your trainin regiment like? anyways man looking good keep trainin hard
Right now my training goes like the
mon-chest & back
friday saturday sunday off
I usually run about a 1mile daily and my eating goes something like this
breakfast: 4 eggs 1 cup of oatmeal and a scoop of protien
midmorning snack: 2 scoops of protien and a banana
lunch: 1 can of tuna with a tablespoon of mayo and one slice of wholewheat bread
afternoon snack: 1 cup of cottage cheese and a half a cup of pineapple
preworkout snack: 2 scoops of protien
afterworkout snack: two scoops of protien and a gatorade
dinner: 8 oz of steak 1 cup of mixed greens and 1 cup of broccoli and 1 and a half tablespoons of dressing
Basically that is how I have been eating for several weeks and I only have a few cheat meals a week. Is there anything I should be doing differently to be putting on more mass and leaning out a little better also what is a good way to get the veins coming out or does that come with getting leaner?
All advice I give many thanks too and thank you all for your comments already I should hopefully have more and better pics up soon