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hgh fragment 176-191

I heard it could cause new moles or maybe that could be from re- using insulin syringes :unsure:
I've used it. Never noticed shit. Same with the hgh and cjc stuff from top names and datbtrue himself. Honestly even real hgh up to 4iu daily I don't notice that much either but at least it does something favorable over time I can tell.
I've used it. Never noticed shit. Same with the hgh and cjc stuff from top names and datbtrue himself. Honestly even real hgh up to 4iu daily I don't notice that much either but at least it does something favorable over time I can tell.
Thank to everyone who give me their feed back so cjc with dac is not good either?
Thank to everyone who give me their feed back so cjc with dac is not good either?
CJC is without question inferior to HGH. CJC purports to simply increase your own production of HGH. So...just use more HGH. That one is pretty simple.

I could actually see a potential use for fragment if it worked well. If fat loss is the only goal one has, then using fragment either in place of or in addition to a replacement dose of HGH could be helpful if one experiences far too much water retention from larger doses of HGH. But users' reports of fragment's effectiveness are, well mixed.
Used it a few times...not impressed, was really hoping it was going to be the next big thing.
I use it regularly.
hgh is a completely different thing, the frag is precisely a small fragment of the whole hgh chain and it is the fragment dedicated exclusively to "burning" fat and it does it in a superlative way.

it has a greater effect at the injection site, this means that there is a spot reduction if used consistently and always in the same area of the body.

the dosages, like all products, must be adequate.
just as if you take 150 mg of test per week, you will be within your natural physiological limits and you will not notice any benefit.
and always like all products, it must obviously be real and of quality.

This is my experience.
If for others it's not worth it, I'm at peace to use it neither more nor less
Thank to everyone who give me their feed back so cjc with dac is not good either?

Meh. Tried it with ghrp 2 and ipam for a long period. Full dosages multiple times a day, did the food right. Pita for nothing. Imo spikes are too short lasting hgh lasts and area/time under the curve is big. That said even hgh is very modest in results (ignoring big dosages used with insulin). I say this as a late 40s guy who ran it for a year and a half with very solid IGF response via bloods. I'm back on it now but wouldn't even consider frag or hgh/peptides for free. Waste of my time and hassle. Bottom line is NOTHING I've tried produces real noticeable results comparable to what we get off a few hundred milligrams of test or other AAS.
I did this for about a year three times a day maybe 10-12 years ago. Thought it was garbage.
Honestly, the peptide ride is over and has been over for 3-5 years now. Yes there was a time, probably 2012-2017 where peptides were worth dropping $$$ on as a cheap alternative. Some mediocre results with it as well. But with the quality being so hit or miss and the price of generic GH continually becoming so readily available, there’s basically no excuse to not run real shit now.

If u really wanted to try alternative fat loss protocols I’d dive into L-carnitine over peps any day of the week.
Thank to everyone who give me their feed back so cjc with dac is not good either?
why do you ask about one and then about the other?
they are not the least bit similar.

..it seems to me that there are few and confused ideas about what the 2 peptides are and what they do.
what is your goal? How did you come to choose these 2 products?
honestly I am already on hgh but I was looking into peptides would be worth adding with the real hgh or not was just curious
honestly I am already on hgh but I was looking into peptides would be worth adding with the real hgh or not was just curious

What are your stats? What are your goals? I don't just mean to lose fat... how much fat do you need to lose? How lean do you want to become? Do you want to be a freak or do you want to look lean/athletic on a beach? Are you using AAS? What are you doing with your nutrition and training to reach your goals? How much HGH are you using now and for how long?
Thank to everyone who give me their feed back so cjc with dac is not good either?
You need to take a lot of Dac to get a good response. And if you're lucky you've spent more on it to get the results of 3iu GH than the cost of real GH.
I'm with everyone else. I've taken HGH Frag for weight loss and didn't notice anything. You'll get better results and the results you want with good ole HGH.

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