10ius every day, started at 4ius and continuously bumped up as I stayed on a cruise dose of gear
Sides have just been carpal tunnel and numb hands, mostly at night. Bought some braces for it and it mitigates it. I run a dose until it goes away, and then I’ve been bumping it up. 6ius was the worst few weeks, but now I barely notice it at 10. Probably not the smartest protocol but I’m not the smartest guy
Blood glucose is fine, no swelling during the day. No issues with being tired but I’ve always slept 8-10 hours a night
I found that splitting it in 2iu doses throughout the day is better for the carpal tunnel sides versus 2 5iu doses or 1 10iu dose, but I do that if I’m busy during the day
There’s been a million threads on this lately, at least a few on the first page of this forum if you take a look