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How to manipulate your test levels?


Mar 24, 2007
I'm going to the doc soon for a full physical, going to complain of loss libido, lack of energy. I fell fine I just want to get on HRT i'm close to 40 now and want to get my test legal and not worry about LE. Are there any sure things to say to get my DR. to reccomend a Endo. And once I get to the Endo for blood work how can I manipulate it to show low test. I've been on for more then a year usually aroung 500mg a week mix it up thru various runs with Tren or EQ. And when I took a down time cruised at 100mg for about 2 months then back up. So you see I haven't been off. I'm staying on for the long run already got the kids libido is great gains are great. Just want to got it legal now any suggestions or real experience would be great....Thanks
Depending on how low you want the test level to show, reduce your weekly injections to >30mg Test per week. I think EQ doesn't show up as test, so you can take that for a bit as a substitute to not loose too much muscle. Remember the long ester/half life of the the test cypionate or enanthate. Depending on how much your are presently taking, you need to calculate how long it will take your test levels to drop below your normal range as far as test results are concerned.
why not contact an hrt clinic and get it that way. i really dont think you want that you are a steriod user in a medical file anywere, if anything ever happens to you i guarantee the ins. co. wont pay it. even if prescibed by a doc whether its medical or life ins. Ins. companys are scumbags even worse that lawyers they dont give a shit if you live or die. and with an hrt you dont have to come off or manipulate your test levels they have ways around this pm me if you need a referral...
I'm going to the doc soon for a full physical, going to complain of loss libido, lack of energy. I fell fine I just want to get on HRT i'm close to 40 now and want to get my test legal and not worry about LE. Are there any sure things to say to get my DR. to reccomend a Endo. And once I get to the Endo for blood work how can I manipulate it to show low test. I've been on for more then a year usually aroung 500mg a week mix it up thru various runs with Tren or EQ. And when I took a down time cruised at 100mg for about 2 months then back up. So you see I haven't been off. I'm staying on for the long run already got the kids libido is great gains are great. Just want to got it legal now any suggestions or real experience would be great....Thanks

Please be aware that they are not likely to prescribe in the levels you desire, so going totally "legal" may be out of reach. It is also quite a bit more expensive from most pharmacies. BTW I currently get 150mg weekly.
^^^ 150mg weekly is a great dose. that should put most in the upper range if not a tad out of range. I have been on hrt for a few years now but not legally due to all the time its gonna take to go to the dr, start off with probably the gel,etc.. so when i get some free time im gonna go off my cypionate and run some prop for about a month at 100mg 3x per week. then about 3weeks before my appointment im gonna drop the prop altogether so it looks like my levels are extremely low. Then if he prescribes me a weak ass dose like 100mg per week, im gonna only take 50mg of it so it still shows low till I get a script for what i want.
i have no problem getting 300-400mg a week with a scrip.
pop a birth control pill before ur visit, that'll drop ur test levels really low
i have no problem getting 300-400mg a week with a scrip.

I should go see your doctor. I'm on HRT myself, but docs really freak out about it around here where I live. I'm seeing an endo for the first time the first week of June so I'm hopeful it will get better. My scripts before have been done by urologists.
i have no problem getting 300-400mg a week with a scrip.

Really? Wow! Is it just me or has anyone ever heard of such a high dose for HRT?

Give me your Dr's name Bro! I want that kind of script for sure!
Really? Wow! Is it just me or has anyone ever heard of such a high dose for HRT?

Give me your Dr's name Bro! I want that kind of script for sure!

I got a scrip for the same amount, but I am in my 40's and my test level was at that time 126. You have to go to someone that practices just HRT(specialist) A regular doctor will not help you.
I got a scrip for the same amount, but I am in my 40's and my test level was at that time 126. You have to go to someone that practices just HRT(specialist) A regular doctor will not help you.

Holy shit! Thanks for the info! I am def looking into seeing a specialist now. Damn!
I'm over 40 and I got a script for having my test to low. by making sure I did not use it for about 4 days before the test I was able to get the Dr to give me a script for 15 grams per day of gel. Kicks butt.
Also you need a reason. Just asking is not a reason. could be lack of libido or structural degeneration due to low testosterone...I would have to explain that but it worked for me and not everyone.
They always give you a small dose to start with and make sure you do not use it before you go back and use a small amount to show a small increase for a week every time you go back. That will get you up there to where you want to be.
Do not exercise the day before the test or before the test it increases the release to the blood.

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