this is how we filter out the genetically elite in the middle east... I don't think anyone in this area trains like americans do except for me
you see, if you do exactly what others do (20-30 sets per muscle, training everymuscle twice a week, prep for a contest by not eating at all... etc) and you don't get the results they get, you quit.
this is where the way you guys train comes in... i think it is more suited for people who actually don't have elite genetics for this shit.
still... when americans get ready for contests, they freak out if they lose more than 2 lbs per week... arabs freak out if they don't lose 2 lbs a day.
most people i know who compete at the 165 lbs category (top competitors in 75 kg class) weigh around 220 in the offseason, then workout for 3-4 hours A DAY to prep...
europeans are different... they do even crazier shit! that's why IMHO, they're the best when it comes to both size and condition.
I can't listen to what ali is saying (i'm at work), but ... I don't know... he doesn't have a very good reputation around here. so, i can't take his word for anything...