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I want to do physique, 181lbs


Well-known member
Kilo Klub Member
Nov 24, 2010
Honest opinion on what I need to work on, my biceps and delts are lagging, I’m at probably 11-12% body fat . Pic taken last weekend, my iPhone is saying most are too large so here is a decent front one not really flexing


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Upper chest, delts, and lats for that V taper. Also anything you can do to bring that waist down even more. Could be the angle, but you seem blocky. Easy to do when youre doing deadlifts and core movements that add that muscle. Great for functionality of an athlete, but poor for Physique competition look. They’re be some Asian with a 22” waist you’re competing against with a full chest and decent back.
Upper chest, delts, and lats for that V taper. Also anything you can do to bring that waist down even more. Could be the angle, but you seem blocky. Easy to do when youre doing deadlifts and core movements that add that muscle. Great for functionality of an athlete, but poor for Physique competition look. They’re be some Asian with a 22” waist you’re competing against with a full chest and decent back.

Thank you brother, my upper chest I’ve been hitting hard, my waist is blocky due lower back fat, that’s where it is mainly held.
The best I have got my waist is 30” when around 175 and under, right now it’s 33”.

The angle is a little low as but you are correct. I’ll start blasting my delts and getting the waist down. Right now I’m on 120mg cyp a week and 200mg primo so it’s a very light cycle.
Upper chest, delts, and lats for that V taper. Also anything you can do to bring that waist down even more. Could be the angle, but you seem blocky. Easy to do when youre doing deadlifts and core movements that add that muscle. Great for functionality of an athlete, but poor for Physique competition look. They’re be some Asian with a 22” waist you’re competing against with a full chest and decent back.
Double comment but I do a lot of that is not great for physique?
Double comment but I do a lot of that is not great for physique?

I've been avoiding deadlifts for years. If I deadlift on cycle it's almost an immediate difference in waist size whether I wear a belt or not. Rack pulls from the knees don't seem to have the same effect with a belt on. I also feel like belt-less heavy squats cause muscle gain around the waist but again, a belt on my heavy sets (365 and up) seems to remedy that.
You won't be able to go really far in physique. Some of them have tiny waists and big chests, delts, back etc. You might be bigger but they are just naturally shaped for the division so much more. How tall are you? It's hard to tell from the angle but the main things would be get the waist down and add size to your arms (and delts). A smaller waist will naturally add to your v taper but yes work on the lats as well. The ideal look is a big v taper (small waist) with decent arms and shoulders.

I am not stating physique guys can't deadlift etc as they 100% can. However for you right now if you want to compete in the division I would stop all heavy loading exercises on your lower back. I would put all efforts into shrinking your waist. No heavy ab movements and all body weight stuff. Start doing lot's of broomstick twists, vacuums and oblique twists etc. You will be able to make a big difference if you change those areas. You look really good my comments are solely based on competing in physique. Are you doing anything about the gyno?
You won't be able to go really far in physique. Some of them have tiny waists and big chests, delts, back etc. You might be bigger but they are just naturally shaped for the division so much more. How tall are you? It's hard to tell from the angle but the main things would be get the waist down and add size to your arms (and delts). A smaller waist will naturally add to your v taper but yes work on the lats as well. The ideal look is a big v taper (small waist) with decent arms and shoulders.

I am not stating physique guys can't deadlift etc as they 100% can. However for you right now if you want to compete in the division I would stop all heavy loading exercises on your lower back. I would put all efforts into shrinking your waist. No heavy ab movements and all body weight stuff. Start doing lot's of broomstick twists, vacuums and oblique twists etc. You will be able to make a big difference if you change those areas. You look really good my comments are solely based on competing in physique. Are you doing anything about the gyno?
I am 5’10”
The photo isn’t the best but yeah I do agree, I wanted some honest insight and you guys all gave it straight. The waist is way too big, delts need capped, need to get the arms up and build that v taper.
It will honestly take about 6 months.
The gyno at the moment I am not aside from taking mild AI doses but I’m barley on cycle, even TRT makes me bloated with gyno.

I might try to restructure my cycle at just 75mg of Cyp a week a run primo at 500mgs and some mast E around 400mgs for 12 weeks while doing new training.
A few months ago I was around 202 and still
had abs but the behind the waist fat is what is making everything look blocky, and the only way to get rid of that is trying to get into single digit BF with my structure
Before reading the other comments, the weaknesses that stood out to me were side delts, upper chest, biceps and lat width. After reading the comments it seems everyone agrees. Your muscle looks a little older than what I usually see in someone looking to compete in physique for the first time. How old are you? I hope you will post after photos. I'm curious to see how the waist comes in.
Before reading the other comments, the weaknesses that stood out to me were side delts, upper chest, biceps and lat width. After reading the comments it seems everyone agrees. Your muscle looks a little older than what I usually see in someone looking to compete in physique for the first time. How old are you? I hope you will post after photos. I'm curious to see how the waist comes in.
Here is a better photo I took, I’m 32 and yes they all need work but I am doing so and making sure to get that v taper.
That pic isn’t my best photo, I just snapped one for the hell of it


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Awesome work bro! And this pic is much better. Waist and delts look much better in this pic.
Awesome work bro! And this pic is much better. Waist and delts look much better in this pic.
That is pumped and I have been blasting cardio , getting that waist down ASAP. But pumping the delts really creates that v profile.
Starting to get the taper in and get the delts and chest bigger while expanding lats and biceps.


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You look good but you need to add more size before hopping on the stage imo. I wouldn't compete unless I actually had a chance at winning the thing but that's just me :D
You look good but you need to add more size before hopping on the stage imo. I wouldn't compete unless I actually had a chance at winning the thing but that's just me :D
Absolutely agree. I was big but did a dirty bulk and just looked like shit.
The goal is to add some size on the upper body and trim the waist.
I am on pretty much no gear, but just pulled primo last night to 800 and test up to 250 rather than TRT dosing.

thanks for the feedback, this helps a lot brother !!!!
Starting to get the taper in and get the delts and chest bigger while expanding lats and biceps.
Learn to pop your lats out when you pose. It will hugely improve your look.
Learn to pop your lats out when you pose. It will hugely improve your look.
Thank you so much Big A!!
When things calm here, I am going to hire a posing coach that has competed.
Each week is better and better , it is clean diet and creating the taper look by working on specific muscle groups that must be done.
Cutting down the waist and getting my chest bigger, fun process


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Progress is picking up, honestly need about 6 more months to even consider competing but it’s fun to work towards a goal. Really want to win some shows


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Thinking about 10% BF right now, need to add some size on the delts, pecs, and bis big time. But things are coming together


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I’ve read through the entire thread and I’m in agreement with most people on here. The one thing I’d say is all your pics are from the front and relaxed. Maybe try and get a back shot and/or flex. Right now you like straight up and down from chest to hips. I compete myself, and in my super relaxed front my back doesn’t show but from the back you can see I have a bit more mass. I’m not huge by any means but have had top placings in my last shows. Classic physique is more for me though. I think you should really focus on adding width up top to help with your waistline. It’s a little easier than shrinking your waist in my opinion. With how lean you are, I’d say up your calories while trying to grow your upper body, you’ll get further faster than staying that lean if you want to compete.

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