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I won my first show


Jun 12, 2002
i took first on the novice and open clases in the middleweight division. i only had 2 months to get ready and i am happy with my first showing. ill be moving up to light heavy in the collegiate nationals **broken link removed** heres a link to the pics. im in blue trunks
Great job bro!! (I fixed your link)



  • finished picturejosh.jpg
    finished picturejosh.jpg
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Bro, I remember when you posted that last pic. You did and awesome job man...keep up the hard work, you keep doin well! Take care.

glad to see it worked buddy!

I'm glad the plan worked out for you my friend. Thanks again for doing as you promised with posting pics for the other members to see. Ithink we have a pretty good record going here this year with wins in shows with the members of this board. Hey strunk I'm calling you out buddy its time to dust off the posing trunks and do battle!LOL I'm getting ancious to start winning shows again althoe i do like prepping my athletes there is no rush like getting up on stage when you know your 110% DEAD NUTS ON! wyldeone.
Great Job

Not many flaws just bring up the quads some and you'll be fine.

to ballplayer and wylde!!
bp i think you can put on more muscle and be a middle still!
Great Job Bro! I remember seeing your before pic and now its good to see that you put it all together and won!! Congrats.

-Big Hock

Now how did I get drug into this thread? I'm just minding my own business eating my pizza, burritos, sour skittles, etc. not bothering anyone. I tell you what Wylde..if you decide to do another show, let me know and I'll come out of retirement and do it with you. I'll have to buy new XXXL trunks as my butt/gut has grown slightly.LOL However, I have a good feeling that were going to grow old together telling people how to diet. I see that Msmuscle is eating all kinds of stuff now!!! You may want to exlpain to her...a cheat meal isn't the same as a cheat day.LOL Sort of like Dp's 2-T of Peanut butter= 1/4 jar theroy. Sorry Dp...if I got drug into do you.
very impressive improvement bro !! continue the good job
Look very good Balplayer, your first ones always the hardest to :) congrats

I know you bro I just did not realize it if your in AZ and that before pic was at the Gold's off the freeway then we know each otrher kind of anyway.:D
Congratulations on the "W". It's pretty cool to see some "before/after" pics...or at least then and now pics. Again, great job!

thanks for the replies,

most of the work was diet, and it was very strict and i was able to follow it only because i wanted this so badly. i do think i can stay in the middles for my next comp in june and i think thats a very realistic goal to come in about 9lbs bigger and harder. i was 167 in the pic and im 5'9. so my frame can hold alot more muscle. ill move up in weight class soon . im already up 25lbs in 18 days. without touching a weight. i was so depleated that i was dry as a bone, felt good to look at myself and see that i was where i needed to be to have a good showing. i learned alot and im ready to keep it going and go as far as my body will allow. thanks again for the support of the members and pro"s
strunk LOL!

Well as the sory goes the older we get the better we were!LOL I'm just minding my bussiness doing the same thing eating my Pizza, stopping by McDoanlds for 3-4 big-n-tasties because i can't pass up a deal heck .99 is cheap and you might as well throw in 2 apple pies for a buck!LOL The more and more I think about it why the hell do I want to give up this good life and diet my ass off and suffer when I can get such enjoyment out of watching all my clients suffer the way i used to!LOL but Strunk if you want this fatkid onstage lets set a date(remember give me one year!LOL) and lets do it. by the way any idea who to use for lyposuction Strunk?LOL i might need it in the midsection as far as msmuscles and DP i'll adress them as well here very soon! okay old man the challenge has been thrown out there so lets look at the NPC callender and decide just make sure they have a krispe kreams and red robin near-bye for me to carb load on!LOL later wyldeone.
balplayer said:
thanks for the replies,

most of the work was diet, and it was very strict and i was able to follow it only because i wanted this so badly. i do think i can stay in the middles for my next comp in june and i think thats a very realistic goal to come in about 9lbs bigger and harder. i was 167 in the pic and im 5'9. so my frame can hold alot more muscle. ill move up in weight class soon . im already up 25lbs in 18 days. without touching a weight. i was so depleated that i was dry as a bone, felt good to look at myself and see that i was where i needed to be to have a good showing. i learned alot and im ready to keep it going and go as far as my body will allow. thanks again for the support of the members and pro"s
Sounds like you definately learned a TON!! Like I've said, if your small and the competition's larger, but your shredded and they're not, you'll win every time (local level - of course). You WILL add more mass to that frame in time. Sounds like you're on track bro :D


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