if you find the right source, cjc/ghrp-6 is a lot cheaper than hgh
I doubt you're buying actual CJC-1295 then.
By the way, have a lot of people here used cjc/ghrp? How would it compare to rH-IGF for healing a damaged pec tendon. I am a little hesitant to use cjc/ghrp because it is pretty new, but I like the idea that it doesn't shut down natural gh production...tho I am a little worried about sides and cost. Do you need to store this stuff in the fridge? Where can I find a tutorial on preparation and storage? i'm assuming a search will result in good results?
I would go with IGF for healing a damaged pec tendon. CJC/GHRP are systematic just as HGH is, but with IGF you can spot inject into the damaged area. As for CJC/GHRP, it's really not that new. It's something new to the bodybuilding arena, but it's been out for a long time and been used in medicine for almost as long as IGF. Sides with cjc/ghrp? Can you expand on this? There are less sides with cjc/ghrp then with igf or hgh. You store this stuff much like you would hGH. Freeze it until you reconstitute it and then keep it in the fridge after it's reconstituted. These peptides can last a few months or even longer at room temperature when they are lyophilized so I wouldn't worry about freezing during shipping or anything, but I wouldn't risk not putting it in your freezer when you get it. Hope that helps.
Back to the point of CJC being expensive (if you really want to learn go read everything datBtrue has ever written):
-CJC should be pretty expensive because in order to make this compound they have to attach an acid to a lys linker in the thirtieth position of the amino acid. This is not something that's easy to do at all, and most legit Chinese peptide manufacturers have admitted to me that they only have the ability to produce this compound at a low purity (<80%) or not at all. If legit manufacturers in China don't have the technology to do this, how do you expect the shady ones that most of you are dealing with to be able to do it?
-When you buy CJC, unless it's from rather expensive and from a legit company, you are most likely buying GHRH(1-29) with modifications in four amino acids (aka - tetrasubstitution). This is basically the same thing as CJC, except that it's missing the linker I described above. What does this mean? This means that what you're buying has a half-life of ~30 minutes compared to a half-life of ~1 week of CJC.
-Is this really a big deal? To me, the answer is no. But why?
The most common protocol for legit CJC for me would be to inject CJC twice a week and to inject GHRP three times a day for three added spikes throughout the day (I'm not going to get into dosing, it's not important for this).
The protocol for the modified GHRH would be to inject GHRH and GHRP together (in the same needle) three times a day.
Here are the pros and cons of the different dosing schedules:
pros: CJC will keep your hGH slightly elevated all the time*
cons: Synergistic effects of CJC/GHRP do occur but are not maximized (we're talking about a loss of ~5% estimated synergy, not a big deal at all)
*No one is one hundred percent sure if slightly elevated levels of hGH are a good thing. Bobaslaw has communicated to me that some bodily functions may need baseline levels of hGH to function. However, I recently saw a study on the changes in hGH during pubertal boys and a boy in his early pubertal years had elevated levels of hGH similar to that of someone on CJC. Somatostatin will also suppress constant elevation. I doubt this is something to worry about. What I would truly question is whether these slightly elevated levels of GH in between GHRP shots are really worth anything. It's always been spikes in hGH levels that have caused growth throughout our lives.
Modified GHRH
pros: Full synergy between GHRP/GHRH
cons: hGH levels only elevated during the spike after injection
If you're going to be injecting GHRP three times a day why not just save your money and buy modified GHRH? It makes this a whole lot cheaper than hGH.
Also for those of you that are coming over to peptides from AAS and are freaking out about injecting three times a day; a slin pin is almost painless. I am over here injecting six times a day, and I would have thought I would dread each injection but I barely feel each one. We're talking 29-31 gauge pins here, these hurt less than an ant bite.
I hope this has made it easier for you all to understand. The true source bearer on this information is datBtrue, but I tried to make this a little easier to comprehend for those out there with less science background and comprehension.