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igf protocol


Kilo Klub Member / Board Supporter
Sep 30, 2009
Haven't used IGF in a decade, can't really remember the protocol, the stuff they make now is suppose to be a lot purer and stronger then back in the day, I want to give it a go , I remember getting some excellent results out of it, but the stuff was incredibly expensive and hard to get, but know it is more accessible and way cheaper. Could anyone out there point me the right direction, all I need to know is doses, best time to do it and How many times a week to do it. Any info would be appreciated, in the mean time I will do research on the board. God bless you. Minister.
Haven't used IGF in a decade, can't really remember the protocol, the stuff they make now is suppose to be a lot purer and stronger then back in the day, I want to give it a go , I remember getting some excellent results out of it, but the stuff was incredibly expensive and hard to get, but know it is more accessible and way cheaper. Could anyone out there point me the right direction, all I need to know is doses, best time to do it and How many times a week to do it. Any info would be appreciated, in the mean time I will do research on the board. God bless you. Minister.

The best gains in lean mass seem to come from 40-80 mcg (20-40 bilaterally) three times per week. Some users choose to dose 30 minutes PreWO and some choose immediately PWO. It depends on what else you are using with it. Hope this helps.

The best gains in lean mass seem to come from 40-80 mcg (20-40 bilaterally) three times per week. Some users choose to dose 30 minutes PreWO and some choose immediately PWO. It depends on what else you are using with it. Hope this helps.


you do this Sub Q or IM, and don't want to sound dumb but, What does bilaterally mean?
you do this Sub Q or IM, and don't want to sound dumb but, What does bilaterally mean?

IM. Bilaterally means the IGF will be injected in equal amounts into separate muscle. Using biceps for an example, for a dosing of 80mcg you would inject 40mcg into each bi.

Good luck.
Last edited:
ive done every protocol on igf that i can think of and i really like just running it on rest days im. if i run it everyday i run 100mcg daily but i have taken a lot of it and good gains can be had at 50mcg daily. i prefer running it every couple of days or the off day protocol so i can run it virtually year round with good results. i normally do a high dose of 200mcg on off days, however, one could get good results with 50-100mcgs on off days. as always start off with the lower dose for results and only up the ante when necessary.

Thanks for the quick response friends, good solid advice,looking forward to starting, Could anyone PM me whoever you guys think carries the best quality. Thanks and God bless you all. Minister.
Do it at 100 mcgs PREWORK outs ONLY.Do it equaly in each muscle.Do it for 4 weeks then off the same time.Your mgf is at its highest post work out so if you do the igf post you will get nothing out of it.get some mgf for post work out and shoot the mgf right after you work out so you will get realy get some great gains out of it.
As others have said stick with IM administration and preworkout if you run MGF PWO.

You do not have to run 100 mcg. Many including myself run 40 mcg. I don't know the exact amount, but much over 15-20 mcg in one muscle and you're going to get massive spillover into other receptors. Your best chance at keeping the sides down is to keep the dose down and frequency to 3x/wk.

If you run a low dose for a long time you are going to get the effects you want without alot of the sides.

Do it at 100 mcgs PREWORK outs ONLY.Do it equaly in each muscle.Do it for 4 weeks then off the same time.Your mgf is at its highest post work out so if you do the igf post you will get nothing out of it.get some mgf for post work out and shoot the mgf right after you work out so you will get realy get some great gains out of it.

um igf preworkout will still affect mgf output post work out. and no you do not have to run it 4 weeks and quit.
As others have said stick with IM administration and preworkout if you run MGF PWO.

You do not have to run 100 mcg. Many including myself run 40 mcg. I don't know the exact amount, but much over 15-20 mcg in one muscle and you're going to get massive spillover into other receptors. Your best chance at keeping the sides down is to keep the dose down and frequency to 3x/wk.

If you run a low dose for a long time you are going to get the effects you want without alot of the sides.


this is what i was aiming at in my first post. take longer with less amount is a better way imo to run igf. and bilateral has not proven to be anymore effective than one shot. this stuff is not site dependent.
Side effects?

As others have said stick with IM administration and preworkout if you run MGF PWO.

You do not have to run 100 mcg. Many including myself run 40 mcg. I don't know the exact amount, but much over 15-20 mcg in one muscle and you're going to get massive spillover into other receptors. Your best chance at keeping the sides down is to keep the dose down and frequency to 3x/wk.

If you run a low dose for a long time you are going to get the effects you want without alot of the sides.


Could you mention some of the possible side effects, just to be aware.
Really the side effect you have to worry about is intestinal hypertrophy. The higher the individual dosage and the more frequent the dosing, the greater the hypertrophy to the intestines. This is due to the fact that the intestines have the highest concentration of igf receptors in the body, and therefore any systemic circulating igf will have a higher affinity toward binding to receptors in this receptor dense region.

Beast, You use a 29 gauge slin pin,Right?
29g 1/2" 1/2 CC , sometimes 27g or 28g, but i prefer 1/2 cc and 1/2" regardless of gague

Beast, You use a 29 gauge slin pin,Right?
Haven't used IGF in a decade, can't really remember the protocol, the stuff they make now is suppose to be a lot purer and stronger then back in the day, I want to give it a go , I remember getting some excellent results out of it, but the stuff was incredibly expensive and hard to get, but know it is more accessible and way cheaper. Could anyone out there point me the right direction, all I need to know is doses, best time to do it and How many times a week to do it. Any info would be appreciated, in the mean time I will do research on the board. God bless you. Minister.

Hey bro, I will help you please PM me
if you mix 1cc of water into a 1mg vial of igf, to what line will you have to go up to in slin pin for 20 mcgs? Sorry for all the basic questions , I'm not a newbie, it just has been a long time since I did this? Any imput would be appreciated.
if you mix 1cc of water into a 1mg vial of igf, to what line will you have to go up to in slin pin for 20 mcgs? Sorry for all the basic questions , I'm not a newbie, it just has been a long time since I did this? Any imput would be appreciated.

First off do NOT use bac water use properly made Acetic acid. Sponsors carry this. Second think of 1cc as 100IU. So you added 100iu of AA to 1000mcg of IGF. 1000/100=10 so each tic on a 1cc pin equals 10mcg. So draw to the 10 mark for 100mcg.
First off do NOT use bac water use properly made Acetic acid. Sponsors carry this. Second think of 1cc as 100IU. So you added 100iu of AA to 1000mcg of IGF. 1000/100=10 so each tic on a 1cc pin equals 10mcg. So draw to the 10 mark for 100mcg.

On my one ml 29g pin there are a total of five dashes between the ten, twenty, and so forth.... that means the ticks are twenty mcg since only five separate the multiples of ten the whole way up. So I add 2ml of aa to make each tick ten iu, that means I take four ticks, or eight units per shot for my rat. I don't know that the bilateral injection matters considering this stuff for the most part goes systematic, but I do it anyway. I have had excellent results adding this to my arsenal. I do the igf pre, and the mgf post thanks to a good sponsors recommendations.

My cycle was dead in the water at week ten, strength had come to a haul, size was dead in the water and I felt as though I was wasting my time injecting any further. I added igf and boom, I went up up up, put an additional 35lbs on my bench, squat has gone up fifty pounds, shoulders have rounded nicely, the biceps and Triceps have rounded noticeably and people are still saying man, your rat gets bigger and bigger every week. Great stuff, I would suggest it hands down, I will definitely include it in pct and mid cycle from now on.

Genesis is great, a good dude and top notch in every aspect. I would strongly suggest taking the time to contact the man.

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