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Injured Girl & MK


Well-known member
Kilo Klub Member
Apr 13, 2010
I put a girl I know on MK-677 at 12.5 mg a week ago to try and help her recovery from an injury she received from crossing the street. She was hit by a car a year was not all that bad except she has a limp in her right leg which has something to do with one of her nerves in her back and leg. No surgery is required. She did get stem cell injections about 6 months back and is making a marked recovery. She does rehab on her own everyday. I'm not going to be updating this on a daily basis but let's see how she does with the MK. I'm having her use MA research. NO, I'm not paid.
I will say after a week, she does seem to be getting around a bit better. She takes 12.5 in the morning and doesn’t feel tired or hungry which is crazy.
IMO women do better with MK than men.
So far something is going on. She does squats every single day. I thought it was too much but it’s with light weight. I didn’t see her for five days and just saw her and she’s def getting around better. I’m going to keep her at 12.5, and might bump it up to 25 mg is the next few weeks.
IMO women do better with MK than men.

I’m going to bump her up to 25 mg of Mike’s MA Supplement brand MK next week. We will run that for a month or two. I want to give it plenty of time to offer recovery. Further down the road, we will add HGH is necessary.
I put a girl I know on MK-677 at 12.5 mg a week ago to try and help her recovery from an injury she received from crossing the street. She was hit by a car a year was not all that bad except she has a limp in her right leg which has something to do with one of her nerves in her back and leg. No surgery is required. She did get stem cell injections about 6 months back and is making a marked recovery. She does rehab on her own everyday. I'm not going to be updating this on a daily basis but let's see how she does with the MK. I'm having her use MA research. NO, I'm not paid.
So is this just for nerve damage,,, or could it be used for ligament and tendon damage? I've got a dodgy knee... my patella is 'not in the ideal placement' (doctors words) and is causing strain on my ligaments and basically hurts alot when I'm training lower body and in general is annoying... I have had to adapt alot of my training. But would this help with healing? Cheers in advance
I believe MK help with nerves, ligament and tedons. I'm obviously not a doctor or play on while on PM....LOL
I’m waiting for my Somatazine to arrive any day now. She’s def moving better than a few weeks prior. Now, she’s doing the following for PT: daily squats (light weight), 12.5 mg MK 677, and is in her 6 month of receiving stem cell injection. I don’t know much about it but they told her it starts to work around this time frame.

Also, her sleep is better than previously, since she was only getting 3-4 hours of sleep a night. Now, she’s getting 7 hours min. Also, not waking up as much. No issues with bloating, fatigue, or hunger.

Another thing she wanted to add was MSM. Her doctor has been telling her to try it. I have her at a 1000 mg. We will go up to 2000 mg next week. She only weighs a 100 lbs.

Final thing I never mentioned is her diet is super clean. No sugar what so ever. She eats a lot of chicken and veggies....protein shakes, bars, etc.
We are noticing a difference from week to week. Yesterday we added 5 grams Kratom to the mix just for the second time to see if I was correct. Kratom is def reducing her inflammation big time. She notices less pain and marked flexibility. Kratom is NOT something we will use on an ED basis even though it has its place. I think it would only benefit her but she doesn’t need the WDs, which I’ve dealt with in the past.

I will say Kratom is magical at alleviated inflammation. We have noticed up to four hours later the affects are still on going.

Until later.....
So is this just for nerve damage,,, or could it be used for ligament and tendon damage? I've got a dodgy knee... my patella is 'not in the ideal placement' (doctors words) and is causing strain on my ligaments and basically hurts alot when I'm training lower body and in general is annoying... I have had to adapt alot of my training. But would this help with healing? Cheers in advance

How did you injure yourself?

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