I've been on the Yellow tops now for about 2 months...started out at 3.3 IU....Now i've been up to 5 iu a day for over a month....I have 10 kits... I think I'm starting to see a little bit of results but not sure....I'm not taking anything else with it(no t3,t4, slin, aas). I definitely haven't been getting any sides. I keep the mixed vials in a dark room on my basement floor (gotta hide em from wife)....so they're prob about 55 degrees or so...I hope that's cold enough. Anyone else have any input? I was thinking about selling some of these and ordering some Hyge because I would think I'd be seeing sides. I'm just finishing my 2nd kit tomorrow though and I have 8 more to go. Also, sorry, not trying to hijack the thread.