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Jethro Tull- Some summer pictures where I live.


JT just saw this thread. AWESOME pics! I am an avid fisherman and hunter also (Gotta love lean meat). It's great to see people still enjoy the simple beautiful things in life. People in general need to step back and take some time enjoying nature and its beauty. Fishing in the mountains and seeing ya with a compound. Gotta love it. I have hunted and fished quite a few places and have enjoyed every minute of it. Keep doing what you love!!! VERY COOL!

I haven't checked the thread for a while! I figured folks got bored!
Hunting season is going on here! We are going to get out next weekend.


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I know lots of people in Butte and Billings!

I love montana! I have relatives in bozeman/butte/bigsky for 20+ years

they are men of the earth and live off the land

they dislike californians and california life

ps my friend cameron @ san diego hired you as his online coach within last few months . he raves about you

thanks for a day in your life
we need to appreciate what mother earth gave us

trout tacos!!! bison and elk burgers and jerkey

Hell, we probably know some of the same people! I enjoy your pics too. Your woman is a stunner as well!
This was a field trip we went on last month.


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Always forget there are other forums here at PM outside of the main forum:eek:

Glad I checked this...these pics are amazing! Montana is so beautiful, I'd probably be out in the hills most of the time and almost never log on the net if I was there:D

JT, you are the man brother, I always enjoy it when you stop in and visit us:)

I appreciate that! I used to post all the time, but for a while it seemed like there were so many "experts" on the board that I sort of slacked off:) This was Halloween. ...Meredith painted us up!


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I loved that thread you made on Geneva!

Amazing pics. I would love to visit one day. I need to visit the countryside in Switzerland as the pics I have seen have been incredible. Austria looks even better in the pics I have seen. Lots of travelling for me to do in the future.

It must be amazing to live where you do. I hope you continue to post the pics you do for many years to come. Meredith seems to get even better with age ;)

Shit like that is very interesting, you ate trying to train hard, balance that with a new relationship, survive in a new setting...these are the things we are all going through as lifters. Great pictures that really tell a story. That is the brotherhood which made it fun to check the board out all the time! Keep doing your thing! It makes the board fun. Plus, you are doing great with your physique.


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Check this out!

JT, please DON'T STOP posting pics of this so amazing land you live in... looking at them really makes me escape from reality!! :);)

This is one of my students in class yesterday. He is a skinny little guy, but a GREAT bow hunter! He is native American and brings me proof of his kills frequently. He brought me 40 lbs of elk meat last week. I love that kid!


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still solid man, good pics , glad you are happy, i hope your not still living in your truck.

Thanks! I am camping out in my truck during the week. I could stay out at Meredith's ranch...but her sister lives out there and I don't really want to talk at the end of the day. I am a pretty conservative fella and well...let's just say I am better off taking a big nap after school, then lifting about 9pm after everyone leaves the gym. This is what I had for 2 of my meals yesterday at school!


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I totally agree with this. That is why I go to my small gym as early as possible. And beings that it's small make it all the worst. It brings them in closer to me....
I hear that!
How is your shoulder doing?
I got "lucky" ending up with her!

What a great pic of you two. You guys just beam happiness. Wishing you all the best.

your brother in Christ,


She seems to still like me even after I seem to be getting older, skinnier and uglier! Darn it!!!
This is from last week at the high school gym. I wear pants all the time because I have big nasty varicose veins. I had them stripped out 2x. They come back.


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