i dunno.... i really watch my diet...
i eat oatmeal w/protein powder for breakfast
protein shake for morning snack
then usually chicken breast n veggies for lunch
then protein shake for afternoon snack
then dinner... usually chicken , fish, sometimes red mat, sometimes eggs
then before bed.. usually a protein shake .. or oatmeal w/protein powder
i think my metabolism is freakin' thru the roof..
don't get me wrong .. i have my cheat days... but usually nothing too crazy...
i love pizza and spaghetti
i wish i could just be like 200lbs... lean muscle
but hell.. i don't see it happening .. maybe if i started mixing concrete in with my protein shakes or something
KANE - thanks man! dude.. yea.. legs are my worst part... but... i've been hitting them once a week... and i'm definately lifting more with them. then when i've started a couple of months ago... i can notice defination coming in.... when i flex them.. nothing great... but it's starting....
VANDER - thanks !!!! shoot.... i tell ya... youre an animal! congrats on all your magazine stuff... i flip thru the pages.. and it's pretty cool coming across your pics! nice work !
thanks guys !!