I'm currently in the military and am 6'2", 230lbs. I just got back from Iraq. At this moment i'm on R&R leave and am leaving to go back to Iraq next week. I've been training hard and been on a diet where i've dropped nearly 20 lbs in 2 mo's. I have posted threads in bodybuilding.com and have received alot of advice and i really appreciate their support and help. I just need some clarification on cell volumizers. I was told i should take any of these cell volumizers with creatine mono: thermolife's xplode or syntrax v12, cex by vpx, or dymatize expand. But then i was also advised to try CEE creatines in powder form. I'm really having trouble deciding which one to go with. I've done my research and have read articles on all these supps but am still confused on which to take. I was taking muscletech supps and saw no results after 4-5 months of hard training. I lost weight because of my diet and of the hot sun over there. I'm getting Optimum's 100% whey protein, and AST creatine as my supps. I was told by some people on the forum to get these two to start. I'm trying to add mass and size to my frame. Please help out on my decision for the cell volumizers and to get an opinion if i'm going in the right direction. I'm leaving in a week and i'm running out of time. I would greatly appreciate your help. Thanks again and GOD Bless.