Those are images taken offscreen of him training chest in Battle for the Olympia 96. The only BFTO that many folks can't find. I fortunately have it. It shows him benching 455 for reps. Then going into 405 incline for reps. Then he started posing (pictures above). When he was doing that most muscular above he was moving the skin around on his delts saying, "lets see what Paul Dillet thinks about that, Huh Paul". Frikkin' hard broha, let me tell yeah. He then got dressed and took Mitsuru out to eat at a dimly lit restaraunt and chowed down on a huge filet of fish, had to have been a pound. It was siting on top of a mountain of yellow rice with onions and tomaotes and some kind of sauce. He loaded up with a freakin large a amout of pepper and mixed it all up with his fork and went to town. Awesome.