Re: What I did once
I tore the side skin on my little finger loading a plate and to this day I am still scared to load my own bar. It took me 2 hours to feel better physically, but emotionally, well, I just cant say.
You may have to see a psychiatrist to adapt to or at least help with the emotional trauma that can and obviously did occur. I can feel your pain as I had a similar experience while re-racking the 15lb dumbell. As you can guess, I didn't place it on the rack properly and, yes I did smash my middle finger.

It took many sleepless nighrts and sessions with a professional psychiatrist to help deal with the day to day and hour to hour moodswings I developed. I thought everyone in the gym was watching and laughing at me when I would put the dumbells away. (little did I realize later, it was because I was using the rubber coated ones)
Anyway, my problem was not just dealing with it while in the gym, it became more of a problem when it affected one of my most favorite things......
Giving other crazy drivers the middle finger! That is what we found out to be the true root of my emotional stress.
I finally overcame this obstacle by making a hand held sign for me to hold up when neccesary (which WAS quite often) that said "FUCK YOU ASSHOLE!".
Long after I had healed physically I finally healed emotionally.
I know you too are strong and can overcome such a great deterent.
Hang in there bro!