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Out of the country for 9 days


Active member
Aug 6, 2023
I’ll be out of the country and unable to pin at the 2 month mark of my cycle.

I’ll be gone for 9 days.

I’m using all long esters.

In the past when I’ve taken smaller cycles around 1g I would just double up right before leaving.

Not sure if that’s something I should do here on a considerably larger cycle.

Stop overthinking and resume pinning when I’m back or add extra mg before or after my trip?

I’ve done it both ways - preloaded a bunch of Undeconate and I’ve brought shit with me on the flight. Don’t stress out too much about it either way - you’ll be fine.
OP, my thoughts are to taper your cycle a bit down and then just miss the week of pinning and resume on the return. If you actually have some undeconate on hand maybe add a bit the couple pins before leaving. Why worry about traveling with gear if you don't have to.
I’d just pin your regular dose the day before you leave and not worry about it. 9 days isn’t terribly long. You’ll have plenty of AAS still circulating until you get back and resume normal pinning then. Put it out of your mind and enjoy your trip brother!
I’d just pin your regular dose the day before you leave and not worry about it. 9 days isn’t terribly long. You’ll have plenty of AAS still circulating until you get back and resume normal pinning then. Put it out of your mind and enjoy your trip brother!
This too. If you go this route I would bring some Proviron or Var to battle any potential rise in E2 from unstable blood levels. That has worked well for me on trips.
I’ll be out of the country and unable to pin at the 2 month mark of my cycle.

I’ll be gone for 9 days.

I’m using all long esters.

In the past when I’ve taken smaller cycles around 1g I would just double up right before leaving.

Not sure if that’s something I should do here on a considerably larger cycle.

Stop overthinking and resume pinning when I’m back or add extra mg before or after my trip?


If it is a one off trip don’t stress and take your test before and after.

Or as @slesh said pre load your syringes and bring them in your checked bag with your other items. May or may not have done this on multiple flights this month. I don’t miss a beat when I travel. 🤷‍♂️

Any orals can go in supplement or prescription bottles. You’ve gotta have your meds. LOL
This too. If you go this route I would bring some Proviron or Var to battle any potential rise in E2 from unstable blood levels. That has worked well for me on trips.

Oh yeah I always bring the orals. @dimethyl11 , you can just put your pills in one of those weekly pill organizers.
If it is a one off trip don’t stress and take your test before and after.

Or as @slesh said pre load your syringes and bring them in your checked bag with your other items. May or may not have done this on multiple flights this month. I don’t miss a beat when I travel. 🤷‍♂️

Any orals can go in supplement or prescription bottles. You’ve gotta have your meds. LOL
lol ya when it’s tabs it’s no sweat.

Rn I’m on:

1200 test
400 tren
600 mast
600 deca

So I don’t really wanna pin twice that right before I leave - I think that will be a b*** to control.

So I’m opting to just take the 9 days off and resume when I’m back.

Going to France - I don’t think I can get PED’s with my croissant
If it’s international I’m not bringing anything I don’t have a script for… Of course that’s just me… Not planning on doing time outside of my country. Being in a cage sucks enough as it is…

I’d just pin your regular dose the day before you leave and not worry about it. 9 days isn’t terribly long. You’ll have plenty of AAS still circulating until you get back and resume normal pinning then. Put it out of your mind and enjoy your trip brother!
lol ya when it’s tabs it’s no sweat.

Rn I’m on:

1200 test
400 tren
600 mast
600 deca

So I don’t really wanna pin twice that right before I leave - I think that will be a b*** to control.

So I’m opting to just take the 9 days off and resume when I’m back.

Going to France - I don’t think I can get PED’s with my croissant
I wouldn’t risk it with France. Not worth it. Just take the time off. If you’re not in prep it’s not a big deal.
Just go and dont worry about. Because 9 days is too short a time to lose any muscle, but plenty of time to dry out, your going to look better when you return than when you left.
9 days is nothing. Don’t risk international.

I’m out of country 3 weeks, I didn’t have the balls to risk it. I thought I did, but I chickened out.

Luckily I went to a country where anything is OTC….but it might be fentanyl also. Dealers choice lol
Don’t bring a thing. That short of a break is no biggie. If you lose anything significant (doubtful) in that short amount of time it wasn’t worth having in the first place. My opinion.

Just enjoy yourself. Don’t sweat the small stuff. Hell, you might even grow during pyour break . . . ya just don’t know.
I’d just pin your regular dose the day before you leave and not worry about it. 9 days isn’t terribly long. You’ll have plenty of AAS still circulating until you get back and resume normal pinning then. Put it out of your mind and enjoy your trip brother!

Yep. I wouldn't personally load up (not saying anyone else is wrong, just my choice) because it's very unlikely to make any difference at all. Also loading up presents it's own stresses on the body, which may be amplified by travel stress, unusual and potentially more food which all causes a certain stress on the body. You didn't state if it was a vacation or business trip, I know for me I'm always going to eat more on a holiday, so that has it's own stresses on the body.

As @Hyperemia it's a holiday, enjoy yourself and don't worry.

I do know the feeling though, I don't know about you guys but it takes me a day or so to really relax into the holiday and get out of 'work mode' and truly relax.

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