Okay, here's the deal. I have my own gym on my property ( 2 story, bathroom/shower, heat, air, etc.) and it is commerically outfitted with EVERYTHING I need and even a few things I don't need. I train with some very elite folks and we are actually always interested in bringing in a promising rookie or two into our fold - keeps things fresh and it does serve to perpetuate the pressence of "freaks" in our little corner of the world (hopefully). AND we like to keep the atmosphere like a brother (and sister) hood - old school stuff, baby. Beings that the gyms around here are overcrowded with busters - you won't get this opportunity anywhere else. If you are in the MD/PA/DE area and interested, p.m. me. You must be serious and passionate about the endeavor. I am not looking to personally train anyone - there will be no special arrangements as to training hours, etc. You train with us when we train. We are just looking for a worthwhile training partner to join our fold - guaranteed you'll make your best progress to date.