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Mademoiselle ??


New member
Apr 21, 2003
i think i spelled that right, anyway heres my issue...im really bulking up this year. im currently around 270 an i have about 30 more pounds to go... my problem with all the food i eat, is that my body doesnt get rid of it quickly enough so it like just builds up an i by the end of the day i look like im pragnant an somtimes i end up puking after one of my meals.. so my trainer said a lot of pros actaully take mademoiselle so they can get rid of food quicker an that would elimanante my puking.. what u guys think? any of u use this...
What about just taking Metamucil (or generic psyillum fiber) to keep the flow moving... I take it twice a day just to help move along the food and it seems to work well...
ya thats what i was talkin about,, i guess i spelled it wrong...

Read the post "been doing some experimenting" by Mr. Magoo, that might help you.

I dont undestand how taking fiber would help you get rid of food quicker, if anything the fiber slows digestion down. I am still now understanding your problem correctly, you eat, then your body is still full 2 hours later so you eat again, and again but never seem to be hungry?

What are you eat, can you give us a rundown, or sample diet. When bulking and trying to keep your body hungry its wise to full with blood sugar levels and certain foods. For example eating 3 bags of candy and a shake is going to make you hungry and need more food quicker then say an equal amount of carbs coming from oats, bread etc.
vitor, my problem is that i dont get the food out of my system fast enough(shit) like i eat an eat with out shiting an then i get sick an puke.....im just bought some Metamucil which will help my food digest faster (shit) so i can eat more with out puken here a run down of my diet
1. 8jumbo whole eggs bagel an juice
2. 1,000cal shake
3 .8 to 10 0z meat with a carb like oats
4. basically same as 3
5. protein shake . 2 tbs of extra virgin oil
6. same as meals 3 or 4
7. a shake an 2 tbs of p.b.

Madamoiselle - ASS

I came onto these threads expecting to see some pics :confused: :eek: :D

My opinion

All you are going to do is get really really fat from all of that food. Take is slow, if you dont you will have major problems later on. Maybe you were not meant to be that heavy.
are u sure your not talkin about a laxative product??

I was not under the impression that fiber sped up the digestion process

maybe i'm wrong

LEts think about this for a second.

Why do diet experts recomend us to eat Whole Grain products that are unrefined? It is because the fiber is still intact, keeps our blood sugar levels stable and doesnt promote fat storage as much as simple sugars. Think you eat a bag of Candy, it hits you hard and fast but alittle while later you are hungry because your blood sugar levels go sky high then plumit. So instead you eat 1 cup of whole oats, and you have stable blood levels for a long time because it is close to its natural state and the fiber is still intact. Fiber will keep you regular and help you shit nice big Logs.
SO what I was recomending is for you to change your carb sources, and possiably modify your diet.

HEre is what you eat, My ides/recomendations in Quotes
I also guestimated carbs/fat and protein for you,
C=Carb F=Fat, p=Protein

1. 8jumbo whole eggs bagel an juice
"C= 100, F 40, P 60 Calories 900 OR so, This meal is a Night Mare
100 grams of carbs, and 40 grams of fat, This should be a redflag, You are bulking but this is just kinda crazy and promoting Fat Storage. I recomend pick on energy source per meal, Fat or Protein Here. Since it is the first meal Let stick with Carbs,

New Meal Suggestion
Bagel, Juice, 10 Egg Whites, 2 Scoops of Whey
C=100, F=5, Pro = 70, Calories 700ish

2. 1,000cal shake
"Hmm I wont touch this one as you are a big boy and need the calories, but usally these shakes are slow to digest and really thick, so monitor this meal, I imagine its mostly carbs and Protein.

3 .8 to 10 0z meat with a carb like oats
"THis meal seems Ok, but once again it is a fat/Carb/Protein Meal, The oats have a ton of fiber as the beef as a ton of Fat, so this meal will be extremly slow to digest. Might want to just have a huge slab of beef, say 1lb and just relax on the carbs,

4. This is the preworkout Meal, so pack in some carbs, I think a Bagel, 3 scoops of whey and some Juice is IDeal here, complex and simple carbs to give you extra energy to train.
5. protein shake . 2 tbs of extra virgin oil

"What is the meal and why, Everyone including my Grandmom has simple sugars and protein post workout, this is a rule of thumb, so My recomendation here is

1 Soda, 1 Packet of fat free candy and 3 scoops of whey

6. Eat a Big Fatty peice of meat and make it huge,
Normally a no no this close to a high carb sugar meal but you are bulking.

7. a shake an 2 tbs of p.b. Looks great

We can still tweak this better, I would love to have you eat mainly fats and protein up till the preworkout meal, then switch to carbs/protein from here on out. Calories are calories, and how much carbs do you need to sit at your desk or whatever you do.
Mademoiselle and metamucil? Yeah, i get those two mixed up all the time. LOL

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