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Oct 29, 2009
hey guys

i have been using the ghrp/cjc1295 combo now for 3 weeks.

I have been dosing it at 100mcg 3 times per day as recommended. However the CJC is also the long run CJC with a half life or around 8 days or so.

In the last week i gained many sides from high HGH levels in the form of edema which is major water retention around my body, particularly in my face, ankle, feet and lower calves.

I stopped the combination around 4 days ago completely. However i am still suffering the symptoms.

How long do you think b4 they dissapear? And also as CJC increased ur baseline levels for over 28 days after use does that mean it could take up to a month for the water to dissapear?
fluid retention

I may be simplifying this, Have you tried short term use of a basic potassium sparing Diuretic like spironolactone at 25 mg/day. If you're retaining that much fluid, your BP is probably elevated and getting a script from your Doctor should not be a problem. Also, make sure you do not make the mistake of reducing you H20 intake in hope of losing the water, it will have the opposite effect at this point. Keep your body flushing the fluids by staying hydrated, not holding onto (retaining) it because of a reduced intake (the body's survival mechanism). I am not saying this is the only answer, but it is something I have done successfully in the past for myself and clients.
I hope that helps, Best of luck.

hey guys

i have been using the ghrp/cjc1295 combo now for 3 weeks.

I have been dosing it at 100mcg 3 times per day as recommended. However the CJC is also the long run CJC with a half life or around 8 days or so.

In the last week i gained many sides from high HGH levels in the form of edema which is major water retention around my body, particularly in my face, ankle, feet and lower calves.

I stopped the combination around 4 days ago completely. However i am still suffering the symptoms.

How long do you think b4 they dissapear? And also as CJC increased ur baseline levels for over 28 days after use does that mean it could take up to a month for the water to dissapear?
hey guys

i have been using the ghrp/cjc1295 combo now for 3 weeks.

I have been dosing it at 100mcg 3 times per day as recommended. However the CJC is also the long run CJC with a half life or around 8 days or so.

In the last week i gained many sides from high HGH levels in the form of edema which is major water retention around my body, particularly in my face, ankle, feet and lower calves.

I stopped the combination around 4 days ago completely. However i am still suffering the symptoms.

How long do you think b4 they dissapear? And also as CJC increased ur baseline levels for over 28 days after use does that mean it could take up to a month for the water to dissapear?

Unless you have an unrelated problem causing you to retain excess fluid, the cjc should not be a problem outside a week or so, especially if your not spiking the pulse with a GHRP. Your body might be overly sensitive to the increased amount of hgh in your system. Dose modified GRF with your GHRP, not CJC-1295. And dose once a day at 50mcg/50mcg for awhile and see if this is tolerable.
Currently sitting in the doctors waiting room on my
Going to get kidneys checked in case it's not the peps
all possibilities

Just to be safe, have your heart looked at too. Severe fluid retention is a warning sign of heart failure/cardiomyopathy. I'm not trying to freak you out, just cover all bases bro. I have seen people retain up to 24 lbs of fluid and try to self diagnose themselves for days before we get a hold of them in the cardiac rehab clinic and the damage is already done. Update us please, hopoefully it's just your body's reaction to the pep's.......

Currently sitting in the doctors waiting room on my
Going to get kidneys checked in case it's not the peps
Just to be safe, have your heart looked at too. Severe fluid retention is a warning sign of heart failure/cardiomyopathy. I'm not trying to freak you out, just cover all bases bro. I have seen people retain up to 24 lbs of fluid and try to self diagnose themselves for days before we get a hold of them in the cardiac rehab clinic and the damage is already done. Update us please, hopoefully it's just your body's reaction to the pep's.......

This is very true as I have CHF. I was diagnosed last december. It has been a severe life changing event.

Do you have shortness of breath or swelling in the feel, ankles or lower legs?

Also, aldactone or Inspra(inspra much better as aldactone can cause gyno), or even lasix with a potassium supplement works very well. However the best thing to do is cut total sodium intake. Eat no more than 2g's a day and you will notice a huge difference.

This is unless water retention is do to something else like excess estrogen which can be caused by HCG. Or other aromatizing compounds.
Strange, I don't know a lot about peptides but am on a cjc/ ghrp-2 cycle (bout a month now) and my torso is starting to lean out a bit. I'm also on var though so the combo could be creating this effect.

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