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Max ibuprofen dosage


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Kilo Klub Member
Feb 15, 2007
I pulled my spinal erectors doing some static deadlifts last week. Broke form for a split second, but that was enough to ruin my day. So its been 7 days and I have been taking 800mg of ibuprofen 3 times per day, I am running NO other oral medication, and no other stresses on the liver.

The pain however, is massive. I am wondering if I can take more ibuprofen without risking the health of my liver. I figure this will loosen up in a few more days, but I just want to be safe.
For a inflamed tendon in my knee Doc put me on 600mgs every 4waking hrs with food for 10 days...I was 265lbs....nothing else could be taken that was liver toxic and he said first sign of stomach pain get off....I tell ya nothing ached for that whole 10 days...I think it would be best to take your docs advice not what mine told me to do.
I know people who take double/tripple that(800), but even 800 it's still bad for you - liver, kidney, and this shit literally "eats" through your stomach. Go to doc - he can prescribe you sth stronger and safer at the same time( might be addictive though:D )
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For starters Ibuprofen is more of an anti-inflammatory, not really great for pain. If you are in a great deal of pain I would go to the doc and try and get muscle relaxers and percs. Unfortunately, you're a guy so obviously you are a scum bag drug addict so good luck getting a script. My ex would get percs for having bad cramps and I couldn't stand for 2 days because my back was so fucked up and I got a script for physical therapy. Depends whether or not you have a good doc. If not you might have to seek out an unliscensed pharmacist. Its up to you and how bad the pain is and how much you can deal with. I try not to mess around with pain meds because A. I don't like scratching my face and B. When I really need them I want them to work.
Nothing more then 800mg should be used at one time. Ask your doctor to write you a script for Flexeril, or something stronger like percocets. Something also in the way of a patch would be the Fentanyl Transdermal System @ 75 mcg/h this patch is stronger then the 5% Lidoderm patches. Lidoderm is a patch that contains lidocaine.
rotty said:
For starters Ibuprofen is more of an anti-inflammatory, not really great for pain. If you are in a great deal of pain I would go to the doc and try and get muscle relaxers and percs. Unfortunately, you're a guy so obviously you are a scum bag drug addict so good luck getting a script. My ex would get percs for having bad cramps and I couldn't stand for 2 days because my back was so fucked up and I got a script for physical therapy. Depends whether or not you have a good doc. If not you might have to seek out an unliscensed pharmacist. Its up to you and how bad the pain is and how much you can deal with. I try not to mess around with pain meds because A. I don't like scratching my face and B. When I really need them I want them to work.

I should have said that in the beginning of the thread, lowering inflammation will allow for my spine to settle back into place, so the anti-inflammatory nature of ibuprofen is really what I am looking for.

Yeah like you said, it takes an act of God to get a script for pain stuff. I wouldn't know the first place to go to look other than the doc anyway.
Honestly I would go to the doc, tell him or her that you want muscle relaxers. They will help and the doc might give them to you especially if you aren't begging for percocets or vicodin. Tell the doc you don't want any pain meds but you really think muscle relaxers will help. I prefer Aleve to motrin. Its not quite as harsh on your system. Keep us informed.
you can take upto 1200mg but only every 6-8 hours but it is not a good idea, if you are in pain from inflammation then this is the right thing to take but if it is just pain then get a pain killer.
Golgo13 said:
I pulled my spinal erectors doing some static deadlifts last week. Broke form for a split second, but that was enough to ruin my day. So its been 7 days and I have been taking 800mg of ibuprofen 3 times per day, I am running NO other oral medication, and no other stresses on the liver.

The pain however, is massive. I am wondering if I can take more ibuprofen without risking the health of my liver. I figure this will loosen up in a few more days, but I just want to be safe.
Ibuprofen and other shit is what the docs will prescribe you at first. It's funny , that doctors would give you shit that is absolutely the worst for your body and have some bad ass side effects- instead of giving you some vicodin which is one of the most safest pain meds out there :) If I was you, I'd go to the doc and tell him how bad the pain is and just tell him to give you vicodins. Dont ask, because if you do you will not get it. Tell him you need it. If he denies, tell him to go fuck himself and see another doc. Works for me. :)
Putin said:
Ibuprofen and other shit is what the docs will prescribe you at first. It's funny , that doctors would give you shit that is absolutely the worst for your body and have some bad ass side effects- instead of giving you some vicodin which is one of the most safest pain meds out there :) If I was you, I'd go to the doc and tell him how bad the pain is and just tell him to give you vicodins. Dont ask, because if you do you will not get it. Tell him you need it. If he denies, tell him to go fuck himself and see another doc. Works for me. :)

vicoden also has a very high addiction rate, i take some percs for my back maybe a day or 2 a week if it is bothering me, the doctor has to have a good reason to prescribe the scheduled drugs to you or he can very easily lose hid license... I had too have xrays to prove the herniation in my back to cover his ass.. I do agree with you though that its pretty screwed up that they give you the ib ( that has numerous sides) and if it is still hurting they just tell you to take more... I have also never understood the reson for prescribing a 800mg ib when you can go to the grocery store and buy 200mg and just take 4 of them? I guess it makes you feel better walking out of the doc office with a script in your hand..
km2000 said:
vicoden also has a very high addiction rate, i take some percs for my back maybe a day or 2 a week if it is bothering me, the doctor has to have a good reason to prescribe the scheduled drugs to you or he can very easily lose hid license... I had too have xrays to prove the herniation in my back to cover his ass.. I do agree with you though that its pretty screwed up that they give you the ib ( that has numerous sides) and if it is still hurting they just tell you to take more... I have also never understood the reson for prescribing a 800mg ib when you can go to the grocery store and buy 200mg and just take 4 of them? I guess it makes you feel better walking out of the doc office with a script in your hand..
I think its because they can bill the insurance companies an obscene amount for it. Plus I'm sure it says on OTC motrin that you aren't suppose to take that much at once and you need the docs permission to do that. lol
Yeah stay away from NSaids, they are quite harsh on your kidneys... As for back pain, I would ask your doc for some Flexeril or maybe even some valium... They are both great for muscle pain and spasms... Yeah actually the things that people can purchase over the counter can be even more harmful than script drugs because people tend to abuse them... They think that since they are OTC then they must be safe... Tylenol is one of the most liver toxic drugs you can put into your body, but they still let it be sold with almost no warnings...
I was first turned on to this wonderful natural substance 5 years ago by a pharm MD freind who was using it on his severely twisted ankle.
I have written tons of stuff on this miracle supplement which bb'ers can utilize safely for many purposes, digestion, anti-clotting, and reduced inflammation are just a few of the effects.
"Many people consider bromelain to be a safer, natural alternative to conventional treatment for joint problems and arthritis such as NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) and COX-II inhibitors. These are aimed at decreasing pain and improving function, but have been associated with considerable side-effects. Many herbalists have used bromelain for inflammatory conditions with great success. Research studies have shown bromelain to be of benefit for reducing knee pain and reducing swelling in rheumatoid arthritis. It has also been shown to improve pain and mobility in osteoarthritis.

The pain-killing effects of bromelain are thought to be due to the fact that it helps reduce bradykinin, a substance released by damaged tissues that causes pain and swelling. Bromelain´s anti-inflammatory action also reduces levels of prostaglandins, hormone-like substances responsible for the body´s inflammatory response.


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