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Meet prep


Jan 19, 2016
I'm signing up for my first meet. My current routine is on a 3 day split. Push, squat and pull. I'm wondering how others prep for their meets. Do you do a mock meet so many days prior? Or just train your ass off up until the meet?

I'll be competing in a untested raw division. Hoping to compete at 190.

My current PR's are

Bench: 275x8
Squat: 350x8
Deadlift: 405x8

Obviously I'm only going to be shooting for higher and only 3 reps total per lift. But how do I get to where I have an idea of how I'll perform? Unfortunately the nearest powerlifting coach I know of is 400 miles away so this is my only resource to some of these answers. I plan on starting gear 4 weeks out. The cycle I'm thinking about is 600 mg test cyp, 300 mg tren enethate, 50 mg var. The week of the meet I'll lower tren enethate to 200 mg and throw in 200 mg tren ace and maybe add superdrol. Is this a solid start? Should I even do the meet with these numbers? Any critique and advise would be extremely beneficial.
The sooner you get a total the better. If you put off competing until you feel ready then you'll never compete. Go get a total and improve from there. If you're training without the guidance of a coach then just follow a simple program. Something like 5/3/1 will help you get an idea of where you're at regularly.
Majority of all people who use a coach do online coaching. You don’t need a coach to help you in person. They will send you a program and then through videos critique your lifts.
The sooner you get a total the better. If you put off competing until you feel ready then you'll never compete. Go get a total and improve from there. If you're training without the guidance of a coach then just follow a simple program. Something like 5/3/1 will help you get an idea of where you're at regularly.

So if the main goal of your first meet is to get a number and improve upon it would it be safe to assume that running that much gear would be pointless? I could easily get 1030 on half that amount of gear. Or should I keep the cycle the same as planned and hope to add 150-200 lbs to my raw total?
I think that's a lot for your first meet and your weights. At one point I fell into the more is better approach and it's not. The 600mg test for the whole cycle and an oral the last four weeks would be plenty and the oral would bring you into the meet stronger. Id save the tren if I were you. With solid training the test and oral is plenty right now.
I think that's a lot for your first meet and your weights. At one point I fell into the more is better approach and it's not. The 600mg test for the whole cycle and an oral the last four weeks would be plenty and the oral would bring you into the meet stronger. Id save the tren if I were you. With solid training the test and oral is plenty right now.

Really, I'm confident that I can run those weights at a trt dose and still do okay. I've looked at the numbers people in my weight class ran at this meet in the past and I should be able to do pretty good for myself. Most of the guys in the 190's were doing 1100ish raws. I think if I can improve my squats and bring my bench up to 315 maybe bring my deads up to 450 I'll be extremely competitive at this event. On a national level on the other hand. I'll get my ass handed to me.
A good program with a simple test base can do so much man. Always exhaust lower doses before jumping up too soon. With strength it seems the strongest people are always the ones who are more consistent and keep going for a long time in the sport.

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