I'm using some right now
Honestly, the stuff is great for me. I can get a "decent" tan, but I'm also more of a red skin tone than anything else....
I've been about 1.4mg a day for the last 6 days and I've noticed a different at day 3. I'm much darker now and the color is "prettier".
On day 1, my wife was giving me a back massage and was lasting a loooong time....I told her she could stop.... She then told me that I was "sort of red" before she started massaging me, but it had "got a little less red, and a little more tan" during the 15 minutes or so that she was massaging me.
It works wonderfully for me for tanning...
NOW, here's some other things to consider. You could get a hyper-secretion of melanin on certain small parts of your skin, I happen to have 2 tiny ones on my back right now. These become darker and darker with use and tanning, I believe. Also, you get SPONTANEOUS erections...meaning, erections with absolutely NO stimuli to induce such a response! This can be fantastic, but the duration with which this happens can also make it pretty damn annoying.
I've got 10mg more of the stuff and really don't need to use it for a little while because of how dark I've gotten off 10mg already. I don't believe I'm a normal responder to this stuff though, I'm not sure.....
I say give it a shot, 10mg is $50-$60......and hopefully, we'll eventually see it even better priced.