Be very careful of the dose you are using to avoid getting the dark moles. My doc sent me to a dermatologist to biopsy a large one that had formed during MTII use.
But I saw my son over Memorial Day weekend and he was like WTF??? How did you get so dark?
ive done 0.5mg ED for the first week..which was too much, was getting a tan real fast..second week i did 0.5mg 3x per week...still getting darker...3th week until now 0.25mg 2x per week...still holding a nice color without going into the sun...just love that shit
Out of curiousity, what did you tell people who said stuff to you about being so tan all the sudden. Im gonna try it out really soon, so just wondering what to expect from other people and ways to "play it off".
when you say too fast the irst week when you dosed at 0.5mg ED what do you mean?
You mean you got tan too fast and you did not want outsiders to think something was up or that sides were bad at that dose? Just trying to clarify.
yes the tan was too fast, but also some sides like freckles ....i really got some more from them ..but this only happened in the first week..the low dose wont give me any freckles and still gives me a tan...even without going into the sun...
it also makes me a little sick after injection..strange feeling...not really bad but just an overall strange feeling....but im still loving it..
How do you guys store it?
What dosage did you follow?
What do you think is the proper dose?
Did you run this IM or Sub Q?