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Melatonin and GH peptides


New member
Jun 30, 2009
This is a bit of a double post, but I was so excited by what I discovered that I had to talk a little bit about it. Awhile back I noticed that when I took my ipamorelin and cjc (mod 1-29?) after my nightly melatonin tablets I felt more of a sense of euphoria and that "feeling" you get with a good GH release than I did at other times. It just seemed more powerful.

Then, I read about taking an iu or 2 of GH 10-15 min after your peptides for a huge GH pulse. So, I gave it a shot. I took my melatonin as I always did, 45 min-1 hr later I took my peptides (100 mcg ea) and then tried my GH shot 15 min later. Holy crap, I felt almost "high." Like a light opium buzz or something. (yes, I tried opium one time back when I was a teenager, this was like a mini version) It felt like a huge dose of GH, sleepy, euphoric etc.

I asked about melatonin's role in this on another thread and that sent me searching. I found an article/study that showed melatonin (10 mg) 1 hr prior to ghrh peptide (100 mcg) doubled the GH output vs ghrh alone!! (GHRH is what we know as GRF, correct?)

Melatonin stimulates growth hormone secretion thro... [Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 1993] - PubMed result

Anyhow, just wanted to share this experience and research behind it. Funny as I tripped onto this long before I knew that it worked. Also, I've stopped my other peptide injects as the sides from the combo (melatonin, ipa/cjc, and 1 iu of GH) is making my hands cramp up as if I was taking 10 iu of GH or more per day! Even my feet/toes feel tight and cramped at times. It's a little better now that I'm just doing the one dose per day though. Two or three was too much for me.

So, want to stretch that "supplement" dollar a bit? Give this a try. At the very least you get a lot of deep sleep, fucked up dreams, and a nice "feeling." lol.
As far as I understand it, they are very different substances and don't really affect the same responses. I was thinking last night, after I read about this, how you could offer some melatonin thrown in with orders that it would help. I really do feel a big boost with the combo. Could call it the "ultimate pre-bed GH stack"! :) I think it's so awesome that it basically doubles response of grf! Very cool.

I will say I usually get "flushed" feeling after ipa/cjc and also with mt2. It looks like I got a little bit of a sunburn after mt2 shot because of the flushing response. I sometimes wonder if it would be good to use before going on-stage or to get pumped before a workout?
That's awesome. Glad to see someone else getting some good out of it! Did you "feel" it hit once you took your GH shot? I swear I can feel that kicking in when I do it this way. Like a very mild high, slight euphoria. But, I may just be a little weird in my reaction to it.
Good post chemical, thanks. "Melatonin" not to be confused with "melanotan" or melanotan II (MT-II)
That's cool. I think you'll like the results from it. I bet you'll see a difference within a week or so vs longer without it. That's been my experience anyhow.

Just how much growth hormone is stimulated by melatonin. I read where if you take an SSRI on NSRI it will interfere with that drug's effectiveness. What is the stuff, ALA or something that is supposed to stimulate GH?
On its own melatonin doesn't stimulate much GH. But, for some reason, as illustrated in the study I posted above, it doubles the GH output of ghrh (or as we know it GRF). Knowing that combining GRF and GHRP already has a synergistic effect, I'm guessing (and yes, it's only a guess) that adding melatonin not only doubles the release of the GRF but of the total from both GRF and GHRP.

So, it's not so much about what it can do on its own, but more of what effect it has on our peptides if timed and dosed correctly. Adding in GH after the peptides is fucking icing on the cake!

The reason melatonin has this effect is because of it's specific pathway that it releases GH in the body- through neurological pathways. I don't really get the whole, scientific reasons. But, I'm just saying that it is unique to melatonin and a few other weird prescription drugs. But maybe you are onto something: timing certain aminos etc. pre peptide injection could also help.
For what its worth...

Ever since hearing of this study a few days back, I upped my Melatonin nightly dose from 3 mg to 6 mg, and I started taking it about an hour before bed and night time pep combo. GIANT difference in the sleep and the feel that we know you get when you get a good release.
For what its worth...

Ever since hearing of this study a few days back, I upped my Melatonin nightly dose from 3 mg to 6 mg, and I started taking it about an hour before bed and night time pep combo. GIANT difference in the sleep and the feel that we know you get when you get a good release.

I am going to try this tonight......
For what its worth...

Ever since hearing of this study a few days back, I upped my Melatonin nightly dose from 3 mg to 6 mg, and I started taking it about an hour before bed and night time pep combo. GIANT difference in the sleep and the feel that we know you get when you get a good release.

That's awesome! I've also had a few guys on another forum- where I also posted this study, under a diff user name- say the same. One even told me (I hope his calculations were off, but I don't know!) that he used 10 mg melatonin, waited an hour then took 5 mg of ipamorelin and 250 mcg of mod grf 1-29!! Holy fuck! 5 mg of ipamorelin? He said he got the best night's sleep ever, lol.

I do the protocol with just 100 mcg of ipa and mod with 1 iu of GH and my fingers feel like sausages every morning and into the day. It's noticeable- for several hours I have trouble gripping small things (no, not like my dick... before anyone says it :p I'm on GH for god's sake... so, you know)
Thank you for posting it by the way. What's funny for me is when I ran IPA, my sleep suffered. I did GHRP2 for a while but that still did not give me the sleep like I got on 6. So... now with the new melatonin protocol I am going to give GHRP 2 a go again. (All of the GHRP's are always with mod grf 129).

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