This is gonna be my first run with peptides, and I have read everything I could find. I am gonna do 200 mcg MGF 3 x a week on off days. IGF will be 50mcg post workout 3 x a week.
I only plan to do one cycle a year on aas. It seems to me it would be best to do the peptides first, allowing for new cell growth, then hit the juice to make them grow. I know most tend to use them during pct, but if I am not gonna cycle for about 8 months after that seems to be a waste. Any other opinions?
I only plan to do one cycle a year on aas. It seems to me it would be best to do the peptides first, allowing for new cell growth, then hit the juice to make them grow. I know most tend to use them during pct, but if I am not gonna cycle for about 8 months after that seems to be a waste. Any other opinions?