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My healing process??


New member
Oct 9, 2006
I have mentioned to some that I had wrist surgery about 2 wks ago. Should have been a 2-3 day recovery. HOWEVER- the joint has locked up in my wrist and the tendons are so tight I can't do much. I started physical therapy yesterday and was told that my wrist was "frozen" and it would be a painful recovery. The exercises I had been doing did not work in preventing this. I had planned on starting my first cycle once I was healed and able to train properly. But I am now considering taking some Deca now to speed this healing process up. I am going crazy not being able to work out my arms and upper body. Will the Deca help or will I just think I am better and have problems when I am no longer on the gear?
I am still injured. The frustration is killing my drive and I'm hitting a brick wall. My legs scream when I walk into the gym now since that is all I have really focused on. I haven't worked arms/chest in 3-4 weeks. I am just now starting to work that in again but I lost so much strength. Which is sad, since it took so long for me to gain ANY! Being as little as I am it took a lot of my motivation away. I am training by myself now and seeing your progress is hurting my feelings! (JK) I had hoped to be posting my gains and progress by now. I was so pumped and ready. I thought getting the surgery on my wrist would actually help me gain strength once the problem was fixed. Sorry for unloading- just bummed!:(
i would rather have you try a product like joint care from beverly international before you use something like deca.
Haven't heard of it. Obvious what it's for but tell me more.... Beverly International? New to the scene so fill me in. I am game for anything at this point.
beverly is just a supplement company...this product is one that i have used in the past and it helped some joint pain i was is their website for more info on the product.
Hey, take it easy. It's not the end of the world. I know it can be frustrating but you will heal, and when you do you can start working upper body again. It will return to it's former glory fast. In the meantime, work your legs, calves, and whatever else you can like there is no tomorrow. Try to keep a positive attitude.
Sweetness, at this point in time deca will not do much for you. You must work on regaining a range of motion in your wrist. No aas will help with that. How are your fingers, can you grip and move them resonably freely? Some non aggressive type stretching is needed to free up the joint. At first the static type of stretches. Then you move on to POF exercises to increase your wrist strength. Joint mobility is prority one now. Sweetness, do not let your injury get you down, it happens to all of us. You will recover and come back stronger and better. Take some glucosamine/chondrioton for joints, take a half an aspirin a day for pain and circulation, drink plenty of water to maintain hydration and B group vitamins. You will be fine. Go to the gym and work on your other body parts and spend a little time each day there to increase flexability. Cheers!
Thanks for the input/ concern guys. Doing better with the wrist and seems to be gaining strength as time goes on. Tried the OTC joint meds and even tried a little deca. Didn't see much in the way of pain reduction in my wrist so .... I have decided so much of it is just mind over matter and I am just a little hard headed so it will all be ok. Just got a little side tracked and had a pity party for myself. Sometimes we just need others to boost the motivation.
Beside you can also add some foods suggested to support for your healing process. I recommend you alfalfa. This vegetable is very beneficial to recovery wounds after surgery. Containg high volume of powerful antioxidants, alfalfa can protect exposed area. Also, the combination of minerals and nutrients in alfalfa is good for blood flow stimulation. Additionally, an excellent storage of protein in alfalfa will recover tissue damage quickly. That’s how alfalfa can support healing process. Add it into your meals may be helpful. Good luck!

To speed up healing process is also considers as outstanding benefits of alfalfa.
Back to the past, people used alfalfa as a traditional method to cure wounds and injuries. Containing high volume of powerful antioxidants, alfalfa can protect exposed area. Also, the combination of minerals and nutrients in alfalfa is good for blood flow stimulation. Additionally, an excellent storage of protein in alfalfa will recover tissue damage quickly. That’s how alfalfa can support healing process. you can find more information in this source :)
Weakness refers to the condition when you feel tired and short of energy to do even simple activities on a daily basis.
It is not a contemporary feeling; you know you have this problem if it lasts for a period without a sign of reduction.
One of them is that milk is a great home remedy for weakness.
It provides an abundance of essential vitamins B which have wonderful effects on weakness treatment.
Furthermore, calcium in milk is believed to promote bone health and have positive influence on strengthening muscles.
Therefore, you just need to consume warm milk whenever you want to cure fatigue.
If possible, try to combine clarified butter into warm milk before consumption. This mixture will be particularly useful for those who have weakness due to blood loss.

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