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Need a replacement for my topical testosterone.


Mar 31, 2011
Looking for some suggestions on a replacement for my topical testosterone. My husbands endocrinologist had a compounding pharmacy prepare a topical testosterone cream that he left for me to use since he started back on injections. Obviously I was not using that much but it was enough to keep my levels at somewhere between 100 and 150 ng/ml which I have been very happy with. Unfortunately the last supply from the pharmacy has now run out and our endocrinologist has retired. I really don't want to find another endo just to have them prescribe some type of subcutaneous pellet or Androgel. Maybe the cost would not be that high for the small amount of androgel I would be using but I think the product was ridiculously over priced especially when compared to the compounded topical we had prepared by the pharmacy.

So here are the ideas I have read up on. Since we are talking lower levels than what men are looking for I have read that smaller subcutaneous injections of test E once a week might be sufficient to keep my test levels up above 100. I am not particularly interested in every other day IM injection. I also remember someone posting about making up their own topical. That would be preferred. I am not a chemist but I am pretty sure I could mix something up and follow up with some lab work to check on the results. The last option which I have not looked into yet was another marketed topical. If there is such a product out there I would love to know what it is and where to source it from.
... I have read that smaller subcutaneous injections of test E once a week might be sufficient to keep my test levels up above 100. I am not particularly interested in every other day IM injection. I also remember someone posting about making up their own topical. That would be preferred. I am not a chemist but I am pretty sure I could mix something up and follow up with some lab work to check on the results. The last option which I have not looked into yet was another marketed topical. If there is such a product out there I would love to know what it is and where to source it from...
The results are personal, of course, but in general what I´ve seen (many women) plus my girlfriend, she uses: TestE pinning once a week 7,5mg test subq she reaches 160 ng/mL (which I noticed it´s average), NO SIDES, ZERO (one year on the dose already).

I recommend you start with 5mg TestE it´s a super safe dose will bring you to top Natural or a bit more, and from there see if you want to increase, keep, or reduce... (if you feel there are no sides stay a few months in the dose as a precaution).

A lot of women like to start instead with 1mg Propinate Every Day for precaution, it´s another route...

Looking for some suggestions on a replacement for my topical testosterone. My husbands endocrinologist had a compounding pharmacy prepare a topical testosterone cream that he left for me to use since he started back on injections. Obviously I was not using that much but it was enough to keep my levels at somewhere between 100 and 150 ng/ml which I have been very happy with. Unfortunately the last supply from the pharmacy has now run out and our endocrinologist has retired. I really don't want to find another endo just to have them prescribe some type of subcutaneous pellet or Androgel. Maybe the cost would not be that high for the small amount of androgel I would be using but I think the product was ridiculously over priced especially when compared to the compounded topical we had prepared by the pharmacy.

So here are the ideas I have read up on. Since we are talking lower levels than what men are looking for I have read that smaller subcutaneous injections of test E once a week might be sufficient to keep my test levels up above 100. I am not particularly interested in every other day IM injection. I also remember someone posting about making up their own topical. That would be preferred. I am not a chemist but I am pretty sure I could mix something up and follow up with some lab work to check on the results. The last option which I have not looked into yet was another marketed topical. If there is such a product out there I would love to know what it is and where to source it from.
I would go with test e subQ 25mg per once per week.

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