Your upper body has great shape. You have a low chest, kinda like Arnold did. I'm guessing your lower body isn't quite as big as your upper. If it was I'd think you'd weigh close to 240, but I could be wrong. Shit, you probably have some monster legs, huh? I'm guessing you are going in as a heavy. If not, a very big light heavy. 5-10 more pounds of bf and 10 of water and you should be ready to go. I'm doing a novice show this year also, and actually am about your height, 6'2. What kind of stack are you using right now? I'm using slin after my workouts to try and actually build a bit of muscle as I diet down. I also added some anadrol last week, which has been a great strength saver. I was losing my strength really fast and with that will come size loss (for me anyways.) BTW, I don't think you are at 8%bf. 6-7% maybe. Anyways, good luck and try and share your stack with us, only if you feel comfortable doing so.