- Joined
- Jan 1, 1970
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So as some of you may remember i've been battleting with how bad my ldl and hdl were and I had a high rbc,hemoglobin,and hemacrit. Well its been about 2 months now since i've been on my new supp regimen
2400mg red yeast rice extract
900mg garlic extract
90mg coq10,1g ff nician, grape seed extract, lots of olive oil and the usuall supps.
thats my old blood work. Finally everything is normal except HDL is still low but has improved. I just cant get that up no matter what i do. I had a urinalysis, cbc,thryroid,metabolic panel,liver,lipids,prostate,crp,etc... Liver a tad high but my doc said its normal for someone who lifts and nothing to worry about.
Glucose, Serum 81 mg/dL 65-99 01
Uric Acid, Serum 5.4 mg/dL 2.4-8.2 01
BUN 20 mg/dL 5-26 01
Creatinine, Serum 0.9 mg/dL 0.5-1.5 01
BUN/Creatinine Ratio 22 8-27 01
Sodium, Serum 139 mmol/L 135-148 01
Potassium, Serum 3.9 mmol/L 3.5-5.5 01
Chloride, Serum 100 mmol/L 96-109 01
Carbon Dioxide, Total 25 mmol/L 20-32 01
Calcium, Serum 9.2 mg/dL 8.5-10.6 01
Phosphorus, Serum 4.4 mg/dL 2.5-4.5 01
Protein, Total, Serum 7.0 g/dL 6.0-8.5 01
Albumin, Serum 4.5 g/dL 3.5-5.5 01
Globulin, Total 2.5 g/dL 1.5-4.5 01
A/G Ratio 1.8 1.1-2.5 01
Bilirubin, Total 0.4 mg/dL 0.1-1.2 01
Alkaline Phosphatase, S 70 IU/L 25-150 01
LDH 198 IU/L 100-250 01
AST (SGOT) 48 HIGH IU/L 0-40 01
ALT (SGPT) 67 HIGH IU/L 0-55 01
GGT 29 IU/L 0-65 01
Iron, Serum 69 ug/dL 40-155 01
Cholesterol, Total 140 mg/dL 100-199 01
Triglycerides 73 mg/dL 0-149 01
HDL Cholesterol 39 LOW mg/dL 40-59 01
LDL Cholesterol Calc 86 mg/dL 0-99 01
T. Chol/HDL Ratio 3.6 ratio units 0.0-5.0 01
TSH 2.470 uIU/mL 0.350-5.500 01
Thyroxine (T4) 5.4 ug/dL 4.5-12.0 01
T3 Uptake 34 % 24-39 01
Free Thyroxine Index 1.8 1.2-4.9 01
WBC 5.9 x10E3/uL 4.0-10.5 01
RBC 5.48 x10E6/uL 4.10-5.60 01
Hemoglobin 16.8 g/dL 12.5-17.0 01
Hematocrit 48.3 % 36. 0-50.0 01
MCV 88 fL 80-98 01
MCH 30.6 pg 27. 0-34.0 01
MCHC 34.8 g/dL 32.0-36.0 01
RDW 13.9 % 11.7-15.0 01
Also got a PSA and it was .5 and range is 0-4.0
and c reactive protien was 1.03 and range is 0-3.0
2400mg red yeast rice extract
900mg garlic extract
90mg coq10,1g ff nician, grape seed extract, lots of olive oil and the usuall supps.
thats my old blood work. Finally everything is normal except HDL is still low but has improved. I just cant get that up no matter what i do. I had a urinalysis, cbc,thryroid,metabolic panel,liver,lipids,prostate,crp,etc... Liver a tad high but my doc said its normal for someone who lifts and nothing to worry about.
Glucose, Serum 81 mg/dL 65-99 01
Uric Acid, Serum 5.4 mg/dL 2.4-8.2 01
BUN 20 mg/dL 5-26 01
Creatinine, Serum 0.9 mg/dL 0.5-1.5 01
BUN/Creatinine Ratio 22 8-27 01
Sodium, Serum 139 mmol/L 135-148 01
Potassium, Serum 3.9 mmol/L 3.5-5.5 01
Chloride, Serum 100 mmol/L 96-109 01
Carbon Dioxide, Total 25 mmol/L 20-32 01
Calcium, Serum 9.2 mg/dL 8.5-10.6 01
Phosphorus, Serum 4.4 mg/dL 2.5-4.5 01
Protein, Total, Serum 7.0 g/dL 6.0-8.5 01
Albumin, Serum 4.5 g/dL 3.5-5.5 01
Globulin, Total 2.5 g/dL 1.5-4.5 01
A/G Ratio 1.8 1.1-2.5 01
Bilirubin, Total 0.4 mg/dL 0.1-1.2 01
Alkaline Phosphatase, S 70 IU/L 25-150 01
LDH 198 IU/L 100-250 01
AST (SGOT) 48 HIGH IU/L 0-40 01
ALT (SGPT) 67 HIGH IU/L 0-55 01
GGT 29 IU/L 0-65 01
Iron, Serum 69 ug/dL 40-155 01
Cholesterol, Total 140 mg/dL 100-199 01
Triglycerides 73 mg/dL 0-149 01
HDL Cholesterol 39 LOW mg/dL 40-59 01
LDL Cholesterol Calc 86 mg/dL 0-99 01
T. Chol/HDL Ratio 3.6 ratio units 0.0-5.0 01
TSH 2.470 uIU/mL 0.350-5.500 01
Thyroxine (T4) 5.4 ug/dL 4.5-12.0 01
T3 Uptake 34 % 24-39 01
Free Thyroxine Index 1.8 1.2-4.9 01
WBC 5.9 x10E3/uL 4.0-10.5 01
RBC 5.48 x10E6/uL 4.10-5.60 01
Hemoglobin 16.8 g/dL 12.5-17.0 01
Hematocrit 48.3 % 36. 0-50.0 01
MCV 88 fL 80-98 01
MCH 30.6 pg 27. 0-34.0 01
MCHC 34.8 g/dL 32.0-36.0 01
RDW 13.9 % 11.7-15.0 01
Also got a PSA and it was .5 and range is 0-4.0
and c reactive protien was 1.03 and range is 0-3.0