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New Dorian Yates Product line

not new

they have been available in Europe for over an year now
and let me tell you those are some of the best products you will ever buy, the preworkout booster is absolutely OUTSTANDING
I thought those prods were out for quite a while.
Are these products different then his Dorian Yates Approved line of supps? Or are they the same , but with different packaging?
Cool! bump for more info, would be interested to try a couple out, see if his product line is actually legit!
Cool always a big dorian fan
I thought those prods were out for quite a while.

Very true BigA, I was in Dublin when they launched there products and was one of the first people to stock the brand. They have been on the market nearly two years. Dorian told me he is going to apply the same dedication to his supplements as he did with his bodybuilding. I really don't know how his pre workout drink in legal. Very good products at last here in the UK. So if I run out of synthetke I use his stuff till my next order arrives.:cool:
Are these products different then his Dorian Yates Approved line of supps? Or are they the same , but with different packaging?

Different packing, different company. Its called Dorian Yates ultimate formulas. Its Dorian's own company.

Dorian Yates Approved was a product line by Kerry Kayes company Chemical nutritional products (CNP) from Manchester.
Cool! bump for more info, would be interested to try a couple out, see if his product line is actually legit!

Try his product NOX-PUMP and let us know what you think.:D
I always wanted to try his ULTIMATE LEAN GAIN FORMULA , it's a weight gainer or something like that. BUT it only sells on EU. So i have to to go the Arnold show, buy it, and when it runs out I am screwed?

I haven't found anyone here in the states that is yet pushing that product line.
How do the people that use the product compare prices of Yates supplements to those of competitor lines?
its more expensive than the rest, but believe me after you try it you will see that its worth it :)
Very good quality and great formulas.

Very high price.

The Nox is great pre-workout. Great energy and focus.

Can't afford them all the time though.
Good someone with first hand exp.

Okay...if you were to recommend two of his products.......which would you recommend?

We are going out to Temple to train with him next summer.......I'll have to load up while we are there.

He is launching the brand in the US at the Arnold.... WE hope! Financing in the US took longer than expected BUT we are working with Co-Packers now to get product ready for the Arnold.. It will likely be exclusive to GNC to start with as of now.. But things could change in the next few months. The products are formulated VERY VERY well... The NOX Pump doesnt taste the best BUT it is the best out there in my opinion. The flavors of the Proteins are amazing! The feedback at FIBO was great! Other companies were trying them and commenting on them.

As far as Temple Gym goes.... The Franchises are started.. Las Vegas just had one open.. You can be certain D wil be traveling the US to promote the brand and also setting up training sessions at select gyms as well.
bro whats the deal about some products not available on the website?

we have DY glutamine and vitamin/mineral packs in stores over here, but cant see them on the website?
Good question Bro. I will ask today and get back to you. I have ZERO to do with the UK based portion only the US. The products you mentioned will not be included in the initial US launch as of now.
He is launching the brand in the US at the Arnold.... WE hope! Financing in the US took longer than expected BUT we are working with Co-Packers now to get product ready for the Arnold.. It will likely be exclusive to GNC to start with as of now.. But things could change in the next few months. The products are formulated VERY VERY well... The NOX Pump doesnt taste the best BUT it is the best out there in my opinion. The flavors of the Proteins are amazing! The feedback at FIBO was great! Other companies were trying them and commenting on them.

Cool, a direct access person here? NICE! haha will the ULTIMATE LEAN GAIN FORMULA product be sold here also bro? (and thanks for answering our questions so far)

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